Interesting article from 1992 about The Machine

<p>This is really the problem at UA, in my view. Not some crusty old sorority alums.</p>

<p>[Welcome</a> to the Machine :: The Most Powerful Fraternity in America](<a href=“Welcome to the Machine :: The Most Powerful Fraternity in America”>Welcome to the Machine :: The Most Powerful Fraternity in America)</p>

<p>Also interesting Machine related background – it was as a result of the role of sororities in the SGA election discussed in the article linked below that certain sororities were invited to become a part of the Machine. (It is important to note that there are still sororities and fraternities at Alabama that are not part of the Machine.)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Or this: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Seriously, people, read their posts. They are rubbing our/your collective noses in everything that is negative right now.</p>

<p>I sincerely hope actions of some within the Greek community during the recent election will also be investigated thoroughly. The community deserves better.</p>

<p>why are people surprised about the machine?.. it is well known,</p>

<p>I’ve been aware of it for years, but I believe both issues are related.</p>

<p>When I was a student, I ran for SGA Senate, and lost to the Machine candidate, even though I had the endorsement of the CW. I also worked for at least two non-Machine candidates for SGA president. When there was strong evidence of voter irregularities, I helped lead protests, including a sit in at SGA Headquarters in the Ferg. I witnessed a Frat pledge rip down a non-Machine candidate’s sign in my dorm. I heard many stories about what these creeps have done to anyone who dares to oppose them at UA. Nasty bunch. But until more non-Greeks vote in the student elections, I don’t see how the Machine will go away. The Machine thrives on apathy, ignorance, resume padding and Pan-Hellenic loyalty.</p>

<p>The UA administration actually did crack down on the SGA shortly after the disputed election for which I joined in protest with other students. I think UA had no SGA for two years. I think the spark for the crackdown was the assault on Minda Riley, a member of a Machine sorority who had the audacity to run against the Machine endorsed candidate. Her father went on to become governor in Alabama. So I think her relationship to a powerful man in the state spurred UA into action. Let’s hope the AA rushee’s relationship with a trustee will do the same. But let’s also demand that the reforms last longer than two years.</p>

<p>I wonder if that Machine Twitter account is satire? If not, maybe we should ask Judy Bonner and Trustee Englund to take a look.</p>

<p>they probably know atlanta68… it was in the huffington post article.</p>

<p>I agree that the twitter account is most likely satire. That said, I also believe that the Machine has an incredible amount of power. In some ways, the concept is brilliant. If only they would use that power for good instead of self-promotion and self-protection.</p>

<p>If you read the twitter feed going back several months, there is very little doubt that it is satire. I’m actually surprised that the Huffington Post was taken in by it, but you may need to have a pretty good understanding of UA culture to get the jokes.</p>

<p>I’m not talking about SGA elections here. I’m referring to the sororities who sent out emails telling their members that they were expected to register and vote for specific candidates, namely a former SGA president, in exchange for free bar tabs and other considerations in the district 4 election for the local board of education. Some Greeks also are alleged to have used false addresses. The other candidate happens to be the wife of a UA law professor. Many local stakeholders were angered by the antics and I don’t blame them regardless of the outcome. That is the reason for the liquor for votes billboards. I’m not bashing anyone personally and certainly not the UA, but before we discuss how much integrity is being shown we must establish that making a mockery out of a BOE election where one has no vested interest other than free liquor and promoting the Machine candidate do not indicate integrity at all.</p>

<p>I cannot edit, but it should read any interest and does not indicate. </p>

<p>I’m just saying that there are multiple issues that are related and all cannot be blamed upon alum. In order to restore the integrity of our institution and regain respect we must be willing to be honest and address all of these abuses and unpleasant events. We cannot fix it until we acknowledge it.</p>