<p>Only 494 of 1.6 MM students with perfect score and someone with a 2000 is in the top 7%...</p>
<p>Yeah; it’s a bell curve-ish shape, so that is to be expected</p>
<p>I don’t understand what you are saying.
What’s MM?</p>
I think it’s the abbreviation for Millions</p>
<p>^abbreviation for millimeters lol.</p>
<p>2000 being in the top 7% isn’t a surprise.
Spending time on CC just isn’t healthy; I’m sure the majority of our population on CC is already in the top 10% of the US, either as former students or current high schoolers. Why? We all seek more than others the promise of a good college and education. If you go to some ghetto area, you’ll see people joking about bubbling ‘YOLO’ or ‘SWAG’ with the answer bubbles on the PSAT, assuming they even take it.</p>
<p>You will find a lot of YOLO and SWAG in the ‘burbs too BipolarBudd. Just sayin’.</p>
<p>Woah wouldn’t have expected that. I agree with BipolarBuddhist, people on CC make me feel like I am completely unqualified for college but actually they are just overqualified. </p>
<p>This is kind of relieving to see.</p>
<p>How interesting, funny to know I’m in the top 739 kids (score-wise) in the country. A big relief to everyone, if you scored above a 2000 you’re in the top 7% of kids in your class taking this test, goes to show how truly skewed CC is. </p>
<p>And I am told my 2180 is low for some schools lol</p>
<p>It’s worth noting that even kids with just 2300+ could easily fill two of the ivies’ incoming freshman classes. Even though percentage-wise any score about a 2000 is great, not all of these 1.6 million students are applying to ivy-caliber institutions, in fact, only a tiny percentage of them are. Your competition isn’t with all 1.6 million, but the select 20-30,000 who know they have a solid shot at admissions, and these are the kids with the very high scores. </p>
<p>But as a sidenote a 2180 is perfectly fine for most schools, just a little on the low side for this very very select group of ~20 institutions. </p>