Intermediate Math Courses

<p>I'm looking for some recommendations for an intermediate math course to take my first semester. I'm likely majoring in Finance* (but haven't ruled out minoring in Math). I realize higher level math isn't essential for most areas of finance, but I enjoy it and it would help with problem solving/analysis skills. I've completed Calc III through UIUC (A) and a 5 on AP stats. I don't want to overwhelm myself my first semester, but I can't really imagine not having a math class either. Looking through the course catalog, I was considering Math 216, 217, and 425. Any suggestions on a class that isn't overly difficult? Or would it be wise to skip math first semester, and adjust to the whole college experience? </p>

<p>*I'm preferred admitted to Ross.</p>

<p>Since this is your 1st semester, I would strongly recommend taking math 216 especialyl since you have already done the other calc sequences. 216 is not bad at all, the subject matter is easy and it is not time comsuming either. Math 425 (intro to probability) is also a good course but I would not recommend taking that your first semester (maybe later)
Btw, since you are a preferred admit to Ross, I would recommend that you eventually take Math 423 (mathematics of finance) in your sophomore or junior year. I heard it is a bit hard but is very useful if you are interested in asset pricing, financial derivatives and trading.</p>

<p>If you’re actually interested in math and want to gain exposure to what “real” math is like then 217 is the best option out of those you listed. 216 and 425 are not really considered rigorous math courses since they’re primarily focused on number crunching and the repetition of mechanical methods. Also, 217 is an (advisory) prereq for the vast majority of higher level math courses, so taking it will help keep more options open down the line.</p>

<p>Since you’re in Ross you should be careful about what Math classes you take if you don’t really need them. Mich’s math department is known for tough grading and I’ve heard how important GPA is in Ross for job competition. This isn’t an insult to your intelligence or anything (obviously you’re pretty damn smart if you’re pre-admit Ross), just something to think about.</p>

<p>-Math 216 is a relatively easy class. Very straightforward and exam averages were in the 90s when I took it. I’d recommend taking it</p>

<p>-I’ve heard stories from friends about Math 217. If linear algebra is a pre-req for something, see if it’s acceptable to take Math 417 instead. It’s the more applied (and easier) matrix algebra course that a lot of engineers take. Way less proofy than 217 and 419…although if you’re into that kinda thing…</p>

<p>-You could also take a look at Math 423 (Financial Math) and Math 424 (Compound Interest). You’d probably be pretty interested in the subject material, but be careful because they’re both pretty brutal. I took 424 as a tech elective for engineering and limped through that class. I have great respect for Actuarial Science majors after that ordeal. A friend of mine was in 423 last winter and told me that like 2/3 of the class dropped after the first exam.</p>

<p>In the end though it really depends on the professor. A good prof makes the hardest class seem easy and a trash one can make it a nightmare.</p>

<p>I thought if you were in Ross, everything before you actually entered Ross was stricken from your GPA. </p>

<p>Nubs, can you confirm?</p>

<p>that’s correct. your gpa will reset once you enter ross.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice everyone, really appreciate it.</p>

<p>Half of the reason why I planned on taking math was because I knew that my GPA would reset. I figure if I only need a 3.3, I should at least try math at UM before writing it off completely. </p>

<p>I’m leaning towards taking 216, seeing how that goes, and if well I’ll take 217 next semester and go on with 425 and 423 later (assuming my grades are solid). </p>

<p>Any more opinions are greatly appreciated, thank you!</p>

<p>My opinion:</p>

<p>423 is really boring. I don’t recommend it. You’re likely going to have more interesting finance choices in Ross than this.
216 is meant for engineering majors and not math majors, so just keep that in mind. It might not be quite what you wanted. The math major version is 316.
425 is just like a basic probability class, so if you think one would be useful take it.</p>

<p>pat, just so you know, math course numbers are a bit misleading. for example, 425 is much easier than 217. just because a course number is higher doesn’t mean the course is harder</p>

<p>Thanks Vlad and nubs.</p>

<p>Haha I wasn’t assuming 217 was easier than 425. It seems like 217 and 423 are relatively difficult but the others mentioned are not.</p>

<p>So what exactly is the difference between a math class for a math major and a math class for an engineering major? Is the math major class just more proofy? And the engineering one more computational based? I’m guessing the math major one is generally considered to be more difficult.</p>

<p>This may appear out of the blue… but I was looking at the Mathematics of Finance major. It appears that most of the classes required are those I’m already interested in taking. Many of the pre-reqs are actually classes I need to take for Ross. Any ideas on doubling Ross+Mathematics of Finance?</p>



<p>The math classes for math majors are often much more theoretical and proof based. Whether that makes it harder or easier depends on what you’re good at. I do awful in proof based classes, so I find the math courses geared towards engineers to be a lot easier. And math majors seem to be some of the smartest kids on campus in my experience, so the averages can be higher and the curves tougher.</p>



<p>Even more confusing, 417 is easier than 217 and they’re both intro to linear algebra classes (417 is for engineering majors). </p>



<p>I’ve met a few people who do that, so it’s not uncommon. </p>

<p>Trust me, you won’t learn anything useful in 423 and it is not interesting either. It’s not going to teach you how to trade analytically or anything like that. It’s not as interesting as it sounds.</p>

<p>pat, you’re right about the difference between math/engr major math courses. engineering versions are virtually always easier as they’re computational. in my experience, anyone who does well with the theoretical material will be able to easily do the computational stuff, but the converse is often not true.</p>

<p>really, the math degree at UM is really easy to obtain since the requirements are minimal. it really boils down to 8-9 courses. i’m not that familiar with the requirements for the financial math degree, but what courses are you referring to are needed for your Ross courses? i have not heard of any Ross courses not home schooled in other UM colleges that have any prereqs that are quantitative.</p>

<p>Hmmm… okay. Seems like a good amount of extra work, not sure if its worth while. I doubt hurting my GPA but adding a second degree would really benefit that much in terms of recruiting etc. I’ll keep all of this advice in mind when scheduling. </p>

<p>Maybe I misspoke when I said “many” of the pre-reqs will already be completed for Ross. The math of finance major requires Econ 101, 102, and two “related courses” which I would all complete in a finance concentration (most 300+ courses in finance/accounting will satisfy). As you said, I would have about 8 or 9 extra courses.</p>

<p>Thanks again, yakyu, vlad and nubs. Really helpful info.</p>