Calc III for finance/consulting at Ross

<p>Hi, i'm attending ross this fall, and plan on going into finance or consulting.
I took Calc II. I heard that there is no math required beyond calc I, but my dad is really set on me taking calc III, believing that the math will help me down the road. But i am concerned about taking calc III along with the core courses, as i don't want it to mess up my gpa by taking a non required hard class. So by taking Calc III, will it really help me in my other classes and my career down the road?</p>

<p>Calc 3 allows you to take Math 425, which I do see some value in. However, I would say the ECON 405/406 path is more practical. However, even those aren't used in the later courses at all.</p>

<p>If you did well in 116, 215 will be a breeze.</p>

<p>I wouldn't recommend taking econ 406 unless you're planning to work in the government sector. Take math 423.</p>