Internation Student Chances?!?! *pre-med*

<p>Grade: about to be a Senior
Ethnicity: Asian (but I’m born and raised in Canada)
Gender: Female</p>

<p>SAT: I took it twice
1st time: CR 680 Math 680 Writing 590
2nd time: CR 650 Math 690 Writing 610</p>

<p>School Type: Public, VERY rarely does anyone get into any top or even close to top schools. OH! BTW: No AP’s are taught at my school. And the only honours course is math honours, which I have been in since ninth grade. </p>

<p>School Marks:
Note: At my school 86% and above is an A, and teachers don’t have much of an incentive to boost marks above that.
In grade 9 and 10: mostly marks around 87 or 88%. One 85% in Science 10
In grade 11: around 92% I think.
<em>Do I count my GPA based on marks above 90% or marks above 86%? Do I count starting grade 9 or do a GPA for each year?</em> :&lt;/p>

<p>Senior Workload:
Biology 12, Chemistry 12, French 12, English 12, Math Honours 12, Calculus 12, Planning 12 (mandatory career planning course), yearbook (i'll be a leader) and a information technology class focussing on teamwork and possibly Band 12 (I have already taken physics 12)</p>

<p>*By the info tech class: i'm talking about class is all about Organization, in addition to Creative Thinking, Hard Work, and Communication, not to mention three $5,000 deadlines. It is an exclusive class, and people must be invited to join. </p>

<p>EC and Awards: listed in random order
• Volunteer at a church run club (dedicated to teaching kids about God etc.) since my freshman year
• Tennis Team: Sophmore and Junior year (no team in previous 2 years because of lack of interest and bad weather)
• Co-coach of the senior tennis team in my Junior year
• Competitive Cheerleading team: from freshman year (spring) until summer before junior. Then from April of my Junior year until present (it runs through the summer)
• Passed my Trinity College Drama Exam(grade8)
• On the Yearbook team in my junior year
• Secretary of a multiculturalism club (for coming senior year) and member of that same club in my junior year
• Flute since grade 5. Was in summer band camp for 2 years
• Chinese School (stopped January this year). MAY possibly rejoin in September</p>

<p>What SAT II’s should I take?!?! (not trying to sound whiny, but time is limited and I feel a bit screwed over…) </p>

<p>I have finished physics 12 and got 88% in it – My mark dropped because of the Electromagnetism unit, though I do well in Mechanics. And I know nothing about Heat, Kinetic Theory and Thermodynamics (which is 6-11% of the test?). </p>

<p>My Chinese is VERY poor for an Asian... (bit out of practice with my mandarin) but should i take it anyways?</p>

<p>I don’t know any calculus, but perhaps Math level I??</p>

<p>I have been taking French since grade 5 but anything before grade 9 was a joke, and being in a Semester system, I have not taken French for a few months…</p>


<p>Colleges I want to apply to... (assuming average SATII's - i'll study hard at whatever you guys recommend!)
UC's - Davis, Berkley, SD, LA, SF?
U of Florida

<p>I shouldn't even consider Brown and Johns Hopkins should I? -_-</p>

<p>But yah. What SATII's should I take? And do I have a shot at these colleges or aim lower? <em>if so, what colleges do you recommend?</em></p>


<p>hey, I am from canada so I know how you feel. It really does suck to have 86 as an A contrary to belief, because you won't have any motivation to go over an 86 since that is an A. At my school, though, they only report the letter grade and not the percentage, so find out if your school does that too. As for having no AP classes, see if your high school offers IB program. Many schools in Canada offers the IB program and it is often seen as an equivalent for international students. I am still worried for you, though, because your ECs aren't that outstanding... Your asian + international status is obviously not going to help you... your SAT is still considerably low for Georgetown, NYU, JHU, BROWN... but don't give up, I've seen A LOT of canadians go off to UC's.</p>

<p>Thank you. yah.. my school reports things by percentages and by letter grades – as in, they are BOTH shown on the report card.
They do not have IB though</p>

<p>As for my EC's/courses. Do you think it would be good if
i sent in some of the things I made in my info tech class?
We make magazines and they look really professional, but its more "artistic"
and i'm applying to pre-med...</p>

<p>Any ideas on what SAT subject tests to take?