International applicants--where did you hear about Carleton?

<p>I'm just curious. During my first year, I've met students from Singapore to Ireland to Pakistan. I was always under the impression that American research universities have more name recognition abroad. How did you find out about Carleton, and what made you decide to come to a small school in rural Minnesota?</p>

<p>I think a decent number of international students at Carleton come from the United World College program ([Armand</a> Hammer United World College of the American West - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Armand”>Armand Hammer United World College of the American West - Wikipedia)), which also sets them up with scholarships. Admissions does some recruiting at boarding schools in southeast Asia, too.</p>

<p>I found out about Carleton (and other LACs) mostly here and on the internet in general. In some countries, once you have first 1-2 students go to school, there will be an inflow of applications every year, as students spread the word (example with Carleton: Korea, India, China, Pakistan). I am first from my country, and now that some people now about Carleton, 2 have applied for admissions this year, and I think it will increase over next several years.</p>