<p>Hi, I'm looking to submit international applications to a range of colleges in the US this year. I'm currently resident in Denmark, where I finished high school 2 years ago. My final exam result is around a 'C' on the american scale, so I'm a bit in doubt if I should even consider applying. </p>
<p>Im hoping to get into one of the many business colleges, and a proper one preferably. Let's say that i do very wel on my SAT or ACT, and TOEFL tests, and that the cost of the college is no problem. How well would my chances be? I'm looking at NYU Stern and such, but i don't know if it's way over my head. </p>
<p>So what i really just want to ask is, with very good results in the required tests, and good financial support, would I stand a chance at getting in at NYU Stern for example?</p>
<p>Thanks for your time.
Best regards