<p>The following info pertains to only Internationals.
I was prowling through the school website like a creeper and found this:</p>
<p>"We have traditionally asked students applying for international scholarships to use our Regular Decision option, to allow all applicants to be considered at one time for scholarship assistance.... During Early Decision only a very limited number of full and partial international student scholarships will be awarded. Blah blah blah..."</p>
<p>Why are they so clear and direct about this?!
LOL Is it just me who feels this way?
I always knew RD = more money, but they are actually telling us to NOT APPLY ED. It just sounds relatively direct and too straightforward.
Oh dam*nnnn, the recent economic crisis messed things up big time, and I need F/A now!!
I guess I will have to apply RD now.. Anyone in the same pool with me? Or better yet... I know that there exists a big separation between the Internationals and American students at Carleton, but is there any international students here considering Carleton?</p>
<p>Me:) and I think they’re being really nice and helpful telling DIRECTLY. Plus most of the colleges don’t even have a FA option for ED applicants. Somes Ivies are an exception, but overall all applicants in need have to apply RD.</p>
<p>Hi Shreya, I didn’t mean to make any false assumptions about your school.<br>
I have about five friends(only internationals) at Carleton, and they all told me from their experience that there was a big separation between them and the Americans. It didn’t surprise me, because I have heard many times that that is a common occurrence at small liberal arts colleges. It doesn’t really matter to me, becasue I think it’s really up to the person who he/she hangs out with, but I know that it turned off many of my fellow prospective friends.
Oh. They also said it was because of the big orientation for internationals and MT before school starts and naturally they just made their first friends at those things and stickd with them.</p>
<p>well, i never said the assumption was false, i just asked why you thought so,
Five international friends, i probably know some of them… And that is absolutely correct: the international student orientation does do a great job of making the international student body close to each other but automatically separates it from the rest of the student body. But in my experience so far: if you make an effort- you can make close American friends too. But you sort of have to choose between having American friends and international friends and that can be very unpleasant. But i know quite some people who do a good job of balancing this. Btw which country are you from?</p>
<p>Big congrats to you!!! where are you from??? what were your stats? …if you don’t mind me asking. Isn’t that scholarship the best at Carleton? Congratulations!!!</p>
<p>Oh Thanks! My SAT math 780 CR 750 WR 680 SAT two Physic 800 Chem 800 Math(2) 800; AP Calculus BC 5, Chemistry 5, Physics Mechanics C 5, Physics Electromagnetism C 5. I didn’t know anything about the scholarship until I received the thick envelope the day before yesterday.</p>