International Honors Program

<p>I was looking through older threads and I couldn’t really find any definitive information.</p>

<p>Could someone please explain what the International Honors Program is? How does it compare to the University Honors and Fellows programs?</p>

<p>Thanks! and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I’m not sure there is an IHP any longer?</p>

<p>^^ Yes, I thought IHP no longer existed as a separate program. I think the class that entered in Fall 2012 was the last class that had the option for a separate program. I think it was subsumed into the regular honors program, but I’m not certain.</p>

<p>IHP is on “temporary" hiatus. Unknown whether or not it will resume at some point. For the time being, the only competitive honors programs are Computer-Based Honors Program (CBHP) and University Fellows Experience (UFE), both of which require written application and interviews.</p>

<p>I can add, tho, that there is still an IHP course, IHP105, which comes highly recommended. It’s called “Culture & Human Experience” and involves spending time each week with ESL and international students on campus in a cultural and language exchange. A couple of CC posters here have provided me with the syllabus for this course, and it looked incredibly interesting. I see that each section appears to be full for Fall 2014, but you could waitlist self, or contact each of the professors, or try again in Spring 2015.</p>

<p>My D enjoyed the IHP105 so much that she continued to meet with the ELI students on a regular volunteer basis twice a week. </p>