International Honors Program

<p>How hard is it to get into the IHP? Does anyone know much about it? From the description it describes me rather well. </p>

<p>Would I have a chance at getting in? I’ve already been admitted to UA.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if I’m listing all the stats, but I think these are most of mine.</p>

<p>White female from Arizona
GPA: Currently 3.9/4.22 but I think it’ll go down a little.
SAT: 1430/2090
ACT: 31
AP: Spanish-4</p>

<p>ECs–not great</p>

<p>Badminton team 10-12
Archery outside of school 9-12
I helped with the beginner archery classes at various times throughout 10 and 11
NHS 11-12
Asian club 10-12
Math tutor in 11, but that program is gone this year.</p>

<p>I think that’s it.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help with this.</p>

<p>admission into the honors college and international honors colleges is gaurenteed as long as you have a 1240 SAT and fill out the honors college app</p>

<p>Can you still get in if you don’t have those scores?</p>

<p>I would call and ask</p>