International Learning Community

<p>Has anyone had experience living in the International Community? What was it like, thoughts, opinions... Is it worth it? Specifically, has anyone participated in a language house?</p>

<p>While I don’t have any direct experience with the ILC, I would just like to say that learning communities are a fantastic way to meet people who share the same interests as you and form a solid academic base to launch yourself into your first year of college. </p>

<p>There are multiple language houses, so I don’t know which one you’re specifically referring to. I have a few friends this upcoming year who will be living in the Spanish language house, and I also know the Faculty Director of the Norden House very well. He’s an AWESOME guy (I’ve taken a few of his classes and talked to him often during office hours). If he runs the Norden House anything like he runs his classes, it will be an experience you wouldn’t want to miss. </p>

<p>A friend of mine lived in the ILC for the past two years. He loved it, and I found that the people seemed to be overall pretty social when I came over to visit. I think as a side effect of having single rooms that can be a little cramped, dens are used pretty often which means there’s a lot of people just interacting with each other. The House Fellows (RAs) are always planning stuff in all the dorms, but there are a lot of ILC programs on top of that. </p>