International student, female, Chinese international school [IGSE 3A* 4A 1C, AS 2A 1C, A-level predicted 3A* 2A 1B]


  • International student
  • Currently live in China, Chinese nationality
  • International high school in China
  • Female, Asian, not first gen

Intended Major(s)
Maths, data science

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.50
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): no weighted GPA in our school
  • Class Rank: school does not provide ranking
  • ACT/SAT Scores: test optional
    TOEFL score: 117/120
    Alevel scores:
    Chinese A
    Maths APhysics AEnglish Lit A Economics A English Lan A Chemistry C History
    AS A Physics A Economics C English Lit
    AL predicted grades A* Maths (AL completed) A* Further Math A* EPQ(AL completed) A Physics A Economics B English Lit

I am applying as an Alevel student, and wondering if that would be a disadvantage towards applying to US and Canadian schools

AMC10 top5%
AMC12 top1% 139.5/150
AIME 7/15
UKMT silver
HIMCM honorable mention
John Locke essay competition philosophy category Commendation
USAD global round gold in individual contest
USAD global round gold in writing
USAD global round silver in art
USAD global round silver in overall
China Think Big regional honorable mention
China Think Big national honorable mention
TOC original oratory semi-finalist
FBLA certificate of excellence
Speak Out Challenge first place

Horizon Academics produced a dissertation(about international relations) with a Dartmouth professor, did not publish
Participated in HYSLC summer summit, elected house president and senior student intern
Non-profit organization/startup company, founder and leader, teach kids to debate
Founder of another startup company that make clothes for small-sized girls
Member of anti-bullying/sexual harassment committee, prefect
Planned and organized Equality Week at school
Founder of the school K-pop dance club
Member of the school hip hop dance club
Member of Global Social Leadership Club, did a project on gender equality and participated in Global Goals Competition, did not win any award
Has a dance portfolio
Taoli Cup Dance Competition silver award
Extended Project Qualification A*

Cost Constraints / Budget
no budget:)

RD UT Austin
Fordham University
Pepperdine University
Early application: University of Toronto&University of Waterloo, both applied for three majors relating to maths.

BTW does anyone know whether Canadian universities look at your senior midterm grade when you’re applying as an ALEVEL student? ALSO what does it mean when they say “MAINTAIN CURRENT ACADEMIC STANDARD” in their offers?

Don’t know why the asterisk cannot be shown on the thread but for IGCSE Chinese Maths Physics and English Lit are the highest grade that are provided

Are you looking for further ideas for colleges that may be suitable for your interests?

I don’t know if you were aware that Pepperdine is a Christian-backed university and does have some religious course requirements. It’s not really close to a shopping area. It is by the beach.

When you are admitted to a school, you are expected to keep your high school grades up until graduation. If your last semester grades are bad, your college admission could be rescinded.

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I am aware of its Christian background, but I didn’t know that there are religious course requirements, perhaps I will reconsider. What about the other schools? Is there any chance that I could get in those other schools?

I don’t know enough about the others to comment, but I can say you will get into Fordham. However I don’t recommend it for your chosen majors. Fordham is strong in business, the performing arts, social work, the humanities and some of the social sciences, but is not known for strength in STEM.

UIUC tends to like full pay international students.

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From their website: A Place of Faith | Pepperdine University | Seaver College

“Pepperdine students are required to take three religion classes as a part of the general education curriculum. The classes survey the Biblical texts, introduce students to critical methods of studying the Bible, review the histories of both the Israelite people and the early church, and challenge students to think deeply about the ways in which culture and religion have impacted one another.”

Re Fordham: on their main webpage

“This moment, with all its challenges and possibilities, is the kind of moment Fordham was made for. Join us in renewing and enhancing the distinctive Jesuit educational experience that has transformed lives since our founding in 1841.”
Fordham isn’t as “in your face” as Pepperdine.

You have to read the first page of the website of ANY school you hope to attend. What are you specifically searching for in a school?

No US university is the same. They are all in different regions of the US and are different in size, location, school spirit, weather, transportation, people and personality.
If you can’t visit, and you make a choice at a school that doesn’t fit you, then you will have a miserable 4 years.

What do you want in the school where you will be living, breathing, eating, shopping, walking, and socializing?

Fordham also has a theology requirement (although you can choose from a variety of classes, not just those that are Christianity-focused). But if that is a concern for you, it is something you should be aware of.

How do our experienced users feel about this student’s chances? This is, after all, a Chance Me/Match Me post. :grinning: I’m sure the OP would appreciate that feedback in addition to the discussion of required theology classes.

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I don’t know enough about the other schools to chance you on those, but you may want to apply to some UC’s, like Davis. The UC system is supported by the taxpayers of California. The school is large and diverse. There are ~40K bikes on campus and the students, staff, residents LOVE their biking culture. It is a very welcoming campus and the students support each other through collaboration on projects and tasks.

Yes, it is in the middle of farmland, but the town around it is fun and active and the train comes into the center of the town, going towards Berkeley and San Francisco. The airport is 15-20 minutes north of the school.

It will be competitive, but the UC’s like their full-pay non-residents. They also don’t consider SAT/ACT scores.
If you can visit, you should, but otherwise, look at their website:About Us

Edited to Add: The Application period closes today November 30th for Fall 2024 admission.


Can you clarify if this means any school in the US is affordable (up to $92k+ per year) or that you need full financial aid?
I have seen some international students misunderstand this question, hence I’m asking.


I really want to go to New York so I chose Fordham and NYU. But I am not sure about the other schools, I just chose the ones that most graduates in our school go to, that’s UIUC and UT Austin. For Pepperdine, I guess I chose it because of its location in Malibu

By that I mean any school is affordable as long as it is worth it:)no need for financial aid


Thanks for that info! Yes I have actually applied to UCLA, UC Berkely, Irvine, Santa Barbara, Davis, and San Diego. As long as I can be admitted into one of those schools, I will definitely go there.

Thanks for that! Does it mean that I will be easier to get into Fordham to study maths? Because I was more thinking about studying business and maths in my freshman year and then transfer to NYU in my sophomore

I am not really concerned about the courses because I like learning new cultures and religious classes. But does it mean I have to have my own religion and be a Christian? If so, that is something that concerns me because I am kind of an atheist.

Not at all! There are plenty of atheists as well as members of non-Christian religions. Some of your classes, however, will be taught by Catholic priests, so you must be comfortable with that, but they will always respect your beliefs.

That would not be a concern then! cuz I have been taught a lot of Christian beliefs while at school learning English lit so that will not be a problem. Thanks for all the info and clarification!!

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