International student studying in Korea wants to transfer to UVA or UNC Chapel hill

Hey everyone I have been very anxious about applying to transfer to UVA and UNC Chapel Hill because I failed one course in my first semester here due to language barrier. I graduated from an American-systemed international school, and I chose to study in Korea because I didn’t find enough scholarship to go to the US for four years, but I really hate the school I’m attending now because I dont learn anything here, and all the kids here don’t do anything except for just taking tests, and professors don’t teach anything even though it is ranked NO.2 in South Korea.

My first semester grade is not very good because there were a lot of hidden rules that they didn’t tell you in the beginning, and I found out about those half way through the semester. Here are my grades:
1st semester:
Business Statistics B+,
Principles of financial accounting B+,
principles of macroeconomics B+,
Intermediate Spanish B+,
Advanced English A (they force all freshmen to take this course even for native speakers. I got assigned to the advanced level after the placement exam even though it is just American high school english level )
Calculus I F, B the second time I took it. (This is the issue, here in Korea calculus I is the combination of calculus I, II, III and more in depth. At the beginning I thought I would be ok with this course even though it was in Korean because I got a 4 on AP Calculus BC so technically I have learned half of the course already, but they learned so many different topics in a weird way, and my Korean wasn’t good enough to handle it. I couldn’t drop the course because the deadline had passed. I had to wait for the major restriction to wear off to be able to take the course since I’m a business major, so by the time I could attend the class for the first time, the deadline had already passed, and after I tried so hard to study for it for a week, even the incomplete course deadline had passed, and that was why I failed. I retook it during the summer after intensively studying for Korean, and got a B.)

All As for the next two semesters.

My accumulated GPA now is 3.81(converted to UVA grading system). My university doesn’t count failed course into GPA whether retaken it or not but it’s shown as R, retaken, on my transcript. High school GPA is 3.83 unweighted. SAT 2280 ( 1460 math and reading).
I founded an online newspaper in Seoul that generates around 30 grands per year so far, and I am the representative in South Korea for a sports company trying to build a Korean national team for that company. Also, I’m the chairwoman of the academic department of our university’s MUN Club, and various of other extracurriculars. I won’t list all of them to bore you with this already long enough post of mine.

Any idea of whether this failing one course situation is going to kill my chance to get into those schools? I am really desperate. :((((((((

Considering those schools have a 30% acceptance rate I think you have a good shot of getting in.

The fact that your uni doesn’t count failed grades and it simply appears as an R really works in your favor.