International students rarely receive FA?

@zoeyle There are 3000 colleges in the US. More than the top 50 are great colleges. It is not practical for you to expect to get into the top 50 with great aid. The top 200 out of 3000 yes, maybe.

My question is this
Lets say I get accepted to a state university which does not offer financial aid to international students
Will they allow me to apply for an outside scholarship programme?
And how hard is it to obtain the scholarship?

Outside scholarships are not that big, specially for internationals.
Except if your government is willing to fund you I guess

Colleges don’t care, as a rule, where you get the money to pay for the costs unless it causes a stink of sorts. So, yes, you can apply to all the outside scholarship programs you can find. Don’t know a college that will forbid that. But your chances of getting sizeable amounts are very small, miniscule. Most big money comes from the school itself, and what few big awards there are out there, are just drops in the bucket. You and many other top students are going for those drips.

My passion is petroleum engineering and so far the schools I want to apply like University of Texas don’t offer financial aid to international students.
Most schools that offer financial aid dont have PE as a major.


New Mexico Tech offers a PE major. It offers a limited amount of FA to internationals (awards are between $2000-$6000/year). COA for OOS and internationals of ~$30K/year.

Note that these scholarships are only good for a maximum of 3 years. So you must either pay full costs as a freshman, or attend another institution (like a community college) for your first year and transfer.

@WayOutWestMom‌ thanks for the info
Ill look into it

Petroleum engineering is MUCH more popular internationally than in the US. I would consider an international university, specifically for that major.

Petroleum engineering is MUCH more popular internationally than in the US. I would consider an international university, specifically for that major.

Outside scholarship for internationals are virtually non existent, except Questbridge or Posse…

Even those aren’t open to most internationals, though

I don’t know about Posse but Questbridge is open to International kids, even undocumented.

The point is: you have to be in US and attend US public school

Questbridge is open to US citizens, permanent residents, and international/undocumented students who attend US high schools, ie not most internationals. Posse is similar, have to attend a US high school, again not most international. Point being, outside scholarships are slim for int’ls, as is need-based aid, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

There are other organisations like aga khan and others that offer scholarships to internationals but competitive