Internationals' Sample Essay

<p>In Mtholyoke's Supplement, they ask to provide a sample essay which was written during the 10th or the 11th grade with a teacher's comment. For internationals, our essays were written in our native languages, do we still need to provide one (with translation)? I am confused.</p>

<p>I'm a chinese girl. I really love Mount Holyoke.
There must be a lot of internationals in Mount Holyoke.</p>

<p>The graded writing sample should be an English one , I mean written in an English composition class. It is basically an essay or something checked by the English teacher. I don't think they would want to see an essay written in your language. Did you not have an English class at school?</p>

<p>Yes I did have English in my high school. But we didn't really have "writting class", so we didn't really have any official essays. The worst thing is that the english that is taught in chinese high school was even easier than the level of a american elementary school. I am able to write good essays, but that wasn't required...i don't know what to do, we never write something "two pages", even on our tests, it is at most a short essay under 120words...</p>

<p>There was an international admission chat yesterday where they said that the writing sample from international students does not need to be graded but should be evaluated by a teacher. So you can write an essay specifically for your application to MHC and give it to your teacher so he can write a comment about it (mostly to verify that it was indeed your own work and to see how your writing is in comparison to your class).</p>

<p>b@r!um, i was there on the chat too!</p>

<p>Then what topic should it be, I can write anything? what is an essay especially for Mount Holyoke? another supplement essay?</p>

<p>You can write anything, they just wanna see your writing skills and know how well you write. Just write another essay, without teacher's grades or comments will also be fine.</p>

<p>anything...then is there a word-limit?? just to show writting skills...hmmm, should it be more personal or a formal essay/paper?</p>

<p>It should be 3-5 pages in length.
You can write whatever you'd like. But considering that you already have to write a personal essay for the CommonApp, it would probably be most useful to write an objective essay of some sort.</p>

<p>Then that means a "paper", you know what, this is....really a bit unfair, well more than a bit</p>

<p>Drsuyi: when my D applied to MHC last year she too didn't have any critiqued papers (and she's not an int'l). It had to do with the students turning in their papers online. So she simply printed out 3 papers she'd written during the year, attached a short note explaining their online process, and let it go.</p>

<p>She was accepted.</p>

<p>Dig into whatever files you might have; letters to friends, journaling, whatever. 6 to 8 of those short "essays" you wrote about earlier.</p>

<p>What MHC is looking for is an indication of your writing skills. And while they would like a teachers comments/critique, they understand when things are different.</p>

<p>It isn't unfair. It's part of the process.</p>

<p>Drsuyi-just do your best. The AOs understand.</p>

<p>Hmm, so short essays are ok..? i had practised some short essays myself. something SAT essay that ok?</p>

<p>I guess submitting the short answer responses you talked about earlier would be better than submitting nothing, but if you are going to write a new essay, you could as well write one longer paper which is what they are asking for.</p>

<p>Then i just need to find a topic myself? hmmm,</p>