
<p>What is the recommended time for students to start applying/searching for internships? Are internships recommended/available immediately following (summer) freshman year? Is it best to obtain a foundation of knowledge and begin the quest for internships during the second year? I am a bit confused because internship job fairs take place in the winter quarter.</p>

<p>Bump! No suggestions/advice?</p>

<p>Most internships happen during summer of sophomore year. Take it easy. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Many internships, including the State Dept., require at least 90 quarter units. I would suggest that you start thinking about what you're interested in (finance, public policy, biology, medicine, law, etc.) and look into internships pertaining to that area.</p>

<p>Government internships, because they require security clearances, take a much longer time. Upwards of 9 months to a year. Keep that in mind.</p>

<p>What are you interested in? That'll help me to help you.</p>

<p>i started an internship junior year.. but then again i just transfered.</p>

<p>some internships last for an unlimited amount of time, like mine, its for as long as you like it to be.</p>

<p>I'm interested in internships relating to business and economics. Possibly something in the fields of finance and consulting. So I have time under the summer after sophmore year? That's a relief.</p>


<p>You have many summers. Calm down.</p>

<p>I just got my first internship but for major stuff I'm waiting until sophomore summer. And this is from ambitious. So its okay.</p>