intership opportunities for age 16?

<p>Hi I'm going to be a junior in high school starting fall. Im currently 16 turning 17 in a month. I want to ask if students could get intership opportunities on saturdays and sundays during the school year. I'm intrested in working in a medical office or hospital. And is my age to young or...? I couldn't do anything this summer because I'm currently enrolled in a SAT prep summer program.</p>

<p>Tips pleasee</p>

<p>There are usually no internship positions for just the weekend unless you want to work at a restaurant or grocery store which is a regular job.</p>

<p>You may be able to volunteer at many places on the weekend.</p>

<p>Okay and could I volunteer at hospitals at age 16 ?</p>

<p>You should be able to if you are 16. However, most of them have specific programs for high school students and you need to figure out how to sign up.</p>

<p>Okayy thanks alot</p>

<p>I live in the DC area, and a popular place to intern is the National Institutes of Health, a cutting edge research/clinic. I know it’s probably not an option for you during the school year, but maybe it’s an opportunity for next summer? It really is a great working experience, and kids from across the US come here during the summer.</p>

<p>oh, I forgot to mention this:
[High</a> School Internships](<a href=“]High”></p>

<p>^that was EXTREMELY helpful for me when I tried to land myself an internship.</p>

<p>Okayy I’ll check it out ! And thanks alot !! Hopefully theres one near me for next summer</p>