<p>SO I applied ED to Penn (M&T)
About 6 other kids in my grade of 40 also applied, and 4 of them got interviews (they nearly all alpplied the same day as me)</p>
<p>I live in Los angeles., so theres no shortage of interviewers. Is there a reason my peers got interviewsa but not me? Is there a reason Penn would skip over me for an interview. Do theyu offer iterviews to students they are more inclined to accept or less inclined? thanks</p>
<p>Everyone is offered an interview if there are available alum. If you haven’t been contacted, it is probably because the alum that was given your name hasn’t attempted to reach you yet. In a location like L.A. the interview coordinator has many alum to spread the interviews between. Don’t worry about it.</p>
<p>I live in the DC area (highly populated w/ Penn alum) and I applied to Wharton, so I got a Wharton interviewer. There’s like 12 kids in my class of 400 applying ED to Penn and most of those I’ve talked to haven’t gotten one. They’re applying to M&T and Engineering and the College. </p>
<p>I would guess that you haven’t gotten one because you’re going to have an M&T interviewer? Or they just simply haven’t gotten to you yet. Regardless, just wait it out. It’s not a big deal.</p>