<p>are interviews really that important in the admissions process for Barnard? will it give me an advantage if i do one?</p>
<p>ya i was wondering the same thing…I want to visit Barnard but don’t want to do an interview…would that hurt my chances? I just really don’t want to do an interview!!</p>
<p>I strongly urge you to do an interview if you can get there! It’s really a very, very relaxed situation, probably with a Barnard Senior who is working in the admissions office. It’s an opportunity for you to express clearly your interest in Barnard and for you to learn more about the school. In my opinion, short of your showing up and somehow clearly showing disdain for the school, there is no way an interview could hurt your chances. And it may well boost them significantly!!</p>
<p>Do, YES, do an interview!! Why in the world would you NOT want to do one??</p>
<p>I spoke directly with a Barnard admissions officer who said they do NOT count it against you if you don’t do an interview. She said if you have a specific question to ask, want to clarify something on your application, or want to showcase your winning personality, do it. However, if you don’t think it’ll help, and if you get nervous easily, she said it doesn’t matter if you don’t do it.</p>
<p>I had one with a Barnard senior. It won’t hurt you if you don’t do one, but I thought it was really helpful. I took the chance to ask a lot of questions about the school. Since I had a student interviewer, it was also pretty relaxed. It’s very helpful if you can do one, but it won’t hurt you if you can’t.</p>
<p>@ churchmusicmom</p>
<p>because I’d be scared I’d say something wrong or not know enough about what they’re asking me, etc etc…ahhh it would make me too nervous!</p>
<p>is it bad to visit the school without doing an interview? is it more you asking questions about the school or the interviewer asking you questions?</p>
<p>I should think that if admissions knows you have visited campus and interviews were available at the time, to ME, that would be a concern. I don’t know if it would actively hurt you or not. I think the statement that not doing an interview will not hurt your chances applies to those who are unable to travel to NYC for a visit/interview.</p>
<p>Again, to me, it does not need to be a big deal to do an interview if you are there anyway. It would be fine up front to let your interviewer know you are nervous! Of course, making a good impression is important to you and they will certainly understand that!</p>
<p>Lorrainedelis, it depends I suppose upon who your interviewer is. If it’s a Barnard senior (as my d’s was), and you just think about it as a chance to learn more about the school and get to know a current student, maybe you would be less nervous. I don’t think you COULD “say something wrong”, and the interviewers are NOT out to get you or make you look bad. They just want to get to know you and get an idea about how interested you are in Barnard and what your interests are. </p>
<p>My daughter’s interview turned into a conversation about dance groups on campus and ways to be involved in that activity, I believe. She was really nervous going in but ended up enjoying herself.</p>
<p>good thanks so so much for all of your advice. It doesn’t sound so bad after all my parents are letting me do my college visits after I figure out where I got in so I’d be in nyc only after/if I get accepted anyway…but now an interview sounds like a good opportunity!! oh well
thanks so much you are so helpful!</p>