
<p>I am wondering if it is possible to have an interview at ND? I am pretty sure they said that they don't do them, but is there another way to meet with an admissions officer to go over choices like EA or RD etc?</p>

<p>If you do an official visit / campus tour, they'll go over all of that information. They will tell you who typically should apply EA and who should wait for RD. They will answer most questions. </p>

<p>However, I don't think you can set up an interview such that it would help you, other than let them know you're really interested in the school. And they're probably also not going to look at your potential application and tell you whether to apply EA / RD. The admissions department is not going to "tip" an individual off as to what they should apply to. It would be tipping their hand, in a way. </p>

<p>Also, the admissions directors are very fast at responding to email questions, so if you find the director of your geographic region on their website, emailing him/her is a good first step.</p>

<p>yup, what was previously said. No official or "unofficial" interviews. They are more than happy to have an information session with you though.</p>

<p>No interviews at all. There are the information sessions the have on campus, as well as ones they have at high schools they visit. they will give you some guidelines for applying either ea or rd. they will say that most people should apply rd, and only those who have stats at the very top should apply ea. i remember my regional rep saying that "ea should not be used by students to say that they are decided about their decision to attend a school. rather it is a way for well-qualified students to hear their decisions earlier.</p>

<p>I agree that e-mailing questions is a great way to let them know that you are interested. </p>

<p>However, when I visited this fall, I asked the person at the admissions desk if I would be able to speak with an admissions counselor to ask a few questions. I met with my area's counselor who did ask about my scores and advised about EA/RD. So just letting you know...</p>

<p>Emailing your counselor is probably the best way. I emailed mine and he responded not with a short email, but long paragraphs. He actually took out quite a few minutes to write out a five long paragraph answer to my questions. Just goes to show the good people that work for ND.</p>

<p>Speaking of the good people that work for ND... I was on campus last summer after the admissions office had already closed for the night. However, I ran into a counselor in the admissions building who had not gone home yet, and she asked me if I had any questions. She actually sat with my father in her office for nearly an hour. Unofficial interview? Not exactly, she didn't take notes or write my name down, but she certainly went out of her way. Those who work for ND are there to help you, and I cannot wait to be there this fall.</p>