<p>this topic is for all Int'l students. Present yourselves!</p>
<p>My name Is Guillaume, And I come from France. My dream since I was 4 was to go too Harvard. I go to Louis le Grand school in Paris but have lived in 4 countries. I speak 7 languages that are French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Korean and... Latin! I got 1600 on my SAT I and 800 in mathIIc, in writing and in Chemistry. My dream since i was 6 is to go to Harvard! I am the French under-18 Fencing Champion and am also regional golf champion. Well, enough said, long live this topic!</p>
<p>Howdy International people.
My name is Hana but you can call me Buzz cos that's my call sign for flight training... I'm Croatian and I'm 17. Nearly got kicked out of academy cos its soo boring I don't work and it shows in my grades. ( U know what I mean, like school or other was ever challenging.) Done my SATs and 2s got 1600 on the 1 and 790 on 2c, 800 on writing and 780 on chem and phys. The days are slowly going by and I'm waiting for replies. Tomorrow i'm planning a lil' break out to go see the Packer play.
I speak 7 languages: Croatian, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Greek and English.
MIT is my top choice although taht tutor is breathing down my back... Gonna become an Astronaut.</p>
hana man nice job. Man the competition is so hard to get into colleges. Anyway, are there any other people interested in applying to the US? I hear that the competition in Asia is very fierce. If you get 790s you get rejected!</p>
<p>thanks for your comment. Actually, when I was 4, I was already
two full years ahead my classmates. My teacher told my parents to coach me because I had Harvard potential! So it was just an idea then. But it was at 6 years old that I first visited the Boston area and saw Harvard. I was amazed by the immensity and the beauty of the college. So there is a debate in my family about if it was at 4 years old or at 6 that I started dreaming about Harvard.;</p>
<p>ok. Giggsoy. Now I understand, but You should not give two contrary information without explanation. It all neutral, I did not want to offend you, be aware of that. The sentence about SAT scores was not neutral. I felt pity that intelligent people looks at themselves by a prism of application data. </p>
<p>What do You want to know about me? And what is Your purpose?</p>
<p>I think, I might have given enough information in my posts.
I welcome You to read it. Do You need a specific information?</p>
<p>giggsoy...how did u learn korean?! o_0 im planning to learn that over the christmas holiday, any tips? and ya latin too. still debating which one to study over the break.</p>
<p>anyhow, my name is jay. i go to st. george's school in vancouver canada. my SATs scores are too low to be posted in this forum. o wells ya.</p>
<p>Hi. I'm from Indonesia, but I did my high school ed in Hong Kong.
I'm in college right now, Illinois Wesleyan to be exact.
My stats:
1290 SAT (760M 530V)
720 IC, 630 IIC, 650 EBio, 460 W
My acceptances/rejections/waitlists:
A: UVA, Wisconsin-Madison, IWU, Truman State
W: UNCCH (did not continue)
I chose IWU cos they give me fin.aid. and I really wanted to go to an LAC.</p>
<p>Nurmanator, so you're an Indonesian? Good job in being accepted to UVA and UW-Madison -though you end up picking IWU (and if you don't mind, what is it? please excuse my ignorance-. No wonder you got the guts to correct me in that "what does that word mean" thread lol! Ah well, I'm an Indonesian as well, and my stats are not nearly as glamorous as all you guys' it's almost embarassing to put it down. But here it goes anyway:</p>
<p>SAT I: best in 1 sitting (740M 510V), took it way back in Oct 2003
best composite (760M 510V) </p>
<p>Just took Physics and Math IIC today. I think I aced the Math (and if the curve is still as generous as ever, I might even get an 800 or at least, hi 700s), but screwed the Physics big time (probably around 650s, or 700 if lucky).</p>
<p>Will take Writing, TOEFL and retake Physics in January. </p>
<p>3.67 college GPA (currently attending a CC in Washington state).</p>
<p>Will apply to University of Washington, University of Texas --Austin, University of Florida, some safeties, and some big reaches (whose names I won't disclose here as it would only make me the biggest laughing stock ever).</p>
<p>Hi~ I'm a Korean girl. I live in Seoul right now. I'm busy applying to schools these days. But I guess it's something everyone goes through, right?
I'm thinking of studying pharmacy. Anyone interested in it?
It's nice to see some people wanting to learn Korean. :) I heard many foreigners saying that Korean is one of the easiest languages to learn~!
Well.. it's nice to talk to you. :)
I hope you all get into your dream schools~!!!</p>
<p>gilofmine: haha well i got my friend to get me a 'Korean Phrasebook' already
ii pretty much masterd all the foul language in koreans jus need to learn the proper and formal stuffs :P</p>
<p>I'm Vessy and I come from Bulgaria. I have been enthusiastic about studying in the usa for quite a long time and this fall I'm applying to some LACs. As for hobbies, I like music and dance, creative writing, sports. I have had some journalism experience in a local radio station, though I am not positive that I would prepare for a journalistic career. I suppose this is enough for a first presentation:)</p>
<h2>Posts: 5 Well tell us a bit more about you. Are you in high school? Are you in college? Where do you come from? </h2>
<p>Let me say: there is an energy. It conformate in many things, like electrons, mions, taons, its neutrinos, quarks and even indirectly books, animals, devices. And I am jpsi.</p>
<p>What is your profit from binding my nickname to country, school attended, GPA, etc etc?</p>
<p>lool ok
there doesn't seem to be many french applicants round here... except for gigsoy of course, who has got the stats of three people put together...</p>