<p>Okay so here is the thing when i get into college i want to enroll in flag football or some other intramural sports. The thing is i'm a little tight on cash so i was wondering if intramurals are free for undergraduates? also do u need to be experienced at the sport to do intramural sports? For example if i want to learn kung fu do i need to have previous experience? ty in advance.</p>
<p>I don’t think intramurals cost money for undergrads. For most intramural sports, you don’t need much in the way of experience, just a willingness to try.</p>
<p>At some schools it will cost you a few bucks for ref fees, etc. It’s usually no more than 10 dollars.</p>
<p>At my school we pay a $6 deposit which we get back if our team doesn’t forfeit any games.</p>
<p>I think it my school it was ~$20 for each team (so, like $2-3 per person)… I think from that, they pay the kids to ref and such.</p>
<p>don’t buy a coffee one day… there’s your part of the fee</p>
<p>Here at a state flagship, it’s $15 per player, and $45 per team.</p>
<p>I can’t speak on all sports, but for basketball, the competition level is generally higher than that of high school basketball imo in the competitive league. The recreational league typically is around the same level of competitiveness of a high school game.</p>
<p>since most of the intramural basketball players were in high school during the last 1-3 years… how do you figure that the games are more competitive than high school? Even if everyone in the competitive league played varsity in high school, in college they don’t have the same practice schedule, and don’t play the team game as well, surely…</p>
<p>It might just be me, but I don’t peg IM sports as the level between “doing nothing” and “varsity collegiate athlete”… which if I understand correctly, is where you are putting this IM basketball league</p>
<p>ty for ur answers…so IM sports arent that competitive? I understand that varsity are obviously competitive but how competitive r IM sports?</p>
<p>A lot of schools, at least bigger ones, have different levels of IM sports. For example, here at VT for Flag Football they have three leagues, Advanced, Intermediate and Beginner. So you get to play people at about your level.</p>
<p>Soccerguy…high school players have high school bodies. College people begin to grow into their men bodies more, get more muscle mass, and are getting closer to their athletic prime.</p>