Introductory Physics?

<p>I was wondering if anyone has any opinions on the introductory physics courses at UW-Madison.</p>

<p>I am an incoming freshman, so I am naturally uncertain as to what I want to do with myself...I think I might be interested in Computer Engineering, but the Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics (AMEP) program also interests me because I am very drawn to the more theoretical aspects of things. In fact, I was considering a certificate or even a second major in math eventually because of my interest in theory, and sometimes I wonder if I would prefer Computer Science over Computer Engineering...but I don't intend to make any final decisions until I've spent some time at Madison.</p>

<p>Physics 201 is recommended for engineering students; Physics 207 is recommended for math/science majors; and Physics 247 is recommended for Physics or AMEP majors...but I could be taking any of these three routes. Does anyone who has taken any of these classes have an opinion? I'll mention this to my SOAR advisor, but for now I'd like to see if anyone has any thoughts...</p>

<p>247 is the first of the Honors sequence- consider it if you are in the Honors program (then also consider the honors calculus sequence). Definitely discuss your options with your SOAR advisor.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m very interested in the honors calculus sequence. Do you know if I need approval for 247?</p>

<p>If you are in the Honors program you will have an Honors advisor at SOAR. You also may have received an invitation for the Honors math/science courses (son did just a few years ago). Send an email to the Honors program and/or the course professor and ask.</p>

<p>247-8-9 is a 3 semester sequence and the first 2 semesters are not equivalent to 207-208 or 201-202…So you have to go in there willing to learn physics for 3 semesters.</p>

<p>You don’t need approval, and you don’t have to be an honors student. You need strong math pre-reqs; it was one of the harder classes I’ve ever taken–although math isn’t my strong suit. It’s the only one of the 3 sequences with intros to modern/quantum physics.</p>

<p>I think it’s a great class to start things off because your first semester you will probably have less classes and more time to devote to a class filled with people really interested in physics…Worst case scenario is you drop it and move to the 207-208 sequence next semester.</p>