Iowa Early Decision?

@bigmacbeth This year 71 spots filled from ED and then they offered out 9 more to regular pool 7 have accepted and 2 have til 5/1 to accept of decline. Last year 55 were filled from ED and 25 from pool.

@readthetealeaves My daughter has every one of those requirements or she wouldn’t have been offered an ED application when she applied general to Iowa. See below

4 years of English (2 AP classes)
1 year regular Physics and 1 year AP Physics
1 year regular Chem and 1 year of AP Chem
1 year of Bio
Math - tested out of Algebra, Honors Geo fresh, Honors All Trig soph, Honors Pre Calc jr, she skipped AB Calc and is in BC Calc this year
World History, APUS and AP Macro
4 years of Spanish - two years of that Honors level
She has a 4.3W/4.0 UW (Straight As) and a 33 ACT/34 SS
She volunteered at the same hospital for three years once a week, shadowed a Neo Dr and nurse staff, did a two week Ibody at a local Hospital shadowing doctors and nurses and sitting in on operations.
She was elected to our local church youth council
She played lax one year and four years of varsity cheer
She tutors and babysits.
She has worked a summer job at a local pool.
State Scholar
4 year Euch Minister
Three summer service trips and was a leader for one of them.

@thinkbig14 in post #17 I was just listing the requirements for those in 2020 and beyond to illustrate to the OP why we didn’t choose to apply to Iowa. My message to you in #18 was not questioning your daughter at all just saying sorry and congratulating her on where she did get in. Virtual hugs as it is so stressful!

@readthetealeaves Sorry. Misread… Thanks! it’s been tough! Appreciate all the praise…

Whether or not she graduates from UI, it’s a great hospital to work at for a new grad, and getting a job there is a lot easier than getting into the direct admit nursing major.

@tae1970 Curious how your trip to UI went? We were there for one of the Junior Hawkeye days, and did the Nursing tour. My D20 liked it a lot, and I thought the U did a good job.

@bigmacbeth Well, we went for a Black and Gold day and did the nursing school session. Our campus tour guide was sweet but barely audible. Luckily I am a graduate and did this tour 3 years ago with my D17, so I could tell my D20 and our friends what she was trying to tell them. They did love the campus, what’s not to love about Iowa City? Then we went to the Nursing School, which I understand has been completely renovated. Thus, we were disappointed that they did not take us around the building. The woman leading the session did not give much information beyond what I already knew from my extensive combing of their website, I love the school and the program from what I already know about it, but I was not impressed by the presenter. I plan to call and ask all the questions she did not or could not answer. We were given lengthy tours at Marquette and Michigan, yet all we saw was a room in the basement at Iowa. What a shame. What did they do for your group?

@tae1970 We did not do the campus tour since we had been there back in the early fall, but that was before my D20 decided on nursing…so back we went. We did the main UofI presentation in the morning which I thought was awesome, especially the student panel. For the School of Nursing tour, we probably got the same presentation as you, but I actually thought it was pretty good. Yeah, I knew most of the information, but my D20 could bear hearing it right from the horse’s mouth. And, again, the 6-student panel was very good, and answered a lot of questions. There was a lot of information about the application process (yes, yes, we know you need Physics), but it confirmed to D20 that she would HAVE to do ED if she wished to attend. I didn’t even think about a tour of the SON building, and instead we then went over to look at the sim lab in the hospital a short walk away. That was very impressive. So, overall I thought it was a pretty good day.

@bigmacbeth did you say you had a panel of nursing students? And did you just go over to the sim lab on your own? We are going back for a football game so maybe we can get into one of these type of sessions. There was very little information about the application process aside from reading the sheet they handed out. Very vague about what they value in an applicant. Just that the application needs to be complete and on time, which is sort of a given… She talked a lot about the competitive admission process, which D20 has no interest in doing. I wish we had your tour!

@tae1970 Definitely email the Nursing admissions people before you make plans so that you make sure it’s an option to do what you want during your visit. My D20 emailed them to let them know we would like to come over spring break, and asked if we would we be able to see the sim labs. They told us that the week we were planning to visit was bad, and to come on a different date. So we rearranged our plans. I was just looking for my notes, but can’t find them this second…but I think the women who led the session were in admissions and advising. We had about 1 hour in a nursing info session, including Q&A with 6 students (all impressive). Then, we were split into 5 groups (one student was a freshman) and the students took us on a tour of the sim labs in the hospital. That was all, but it was very well done, I thought.

So, your daughter is interested in Early Decision, not the competitive admission, right?

@bigmacbeth yes, Early Decision for sure. She will only do a direct admit program. Thanks for that information! We did try to ask roughly how many people apply every year. She said the ED number varies from 75-175ish, but did not have a total number for Direct Admit (ED plus RD). Did you get that information in your session?

Does Iowa offer any merit aid for strong OOS students? We would be OOS, but on an “in state” budget.

@ColoFatherOf3 Some merit is available, but probably not the amount necessary to make it equivalent to in-state costs. It also depends on your definition of ‘strong’.

Strong is relative a relative term for sure. I was using strong in the context of what I suspect the average Nursing applicant pool to be (as opposed to the average pre-Med applicant pool). GPA is 4.6 weighted, 3.9 un-weighted. Only one test taken so far and that was a 1330 on the SAT with zero prep (hoping we can get that up above 1400). Big sister was a national merit type student, but that isn’t in the cards here. She is taking mostly AP classes and is top 3% of her class of 450 students.

We are looking hard at Oklahoma as she would like to go OOS on an “in state” budget. Also looking hard at Montana State and Wyoming. No Financial aid will come, so we are footing the bill completely. Willing to fund it at in “in state” level, something like a CU-Boulder total cost.

@ColoFatherOf3 Merit for OOS goes up to about $12K at UofI, so that won’t get you where you want to be. 1330 is about the average score for those getting in ED to the Nursing program at Iowa, so probably not looking at a ton of merit. 1400+ would help in admissions, and probably worth at least some merit. See the available scholarships:

Most people here will tell you to shoot for a direct admit/entry program. Neither Oklahoma nor Montana State appear to be direct. You can see a full list here:

Good luck!

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@thinkbig14 my D20 is getting ready to send her applications and I am wondering where your DD decided to study. Mine decided she liked the smaller schools best, so we will see if she applies to Big 10 schools. Nervous for this coming year!