Iowa young writers studio 2022

I received the information about the date change on Feb 9, a few days after I submitted my application. The decision will be sent out through email.

I’m so excited to get the results! Only a few more weeks to go :blush:

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yes only 3 more weeks !!! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :grimacing: :grimacing:

ahh I’m so anxious I’m losing my mind a bit. I’m fully prepared to open the mail to a rejection letter. I just opened my submittable account and it says in progress and they had changed the status on 27th feb it made me so nervous and excited can’t wait for the 8th

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kenyon decisions came out today (accepted!), which only makes me more excited/nervous for iowa results…anyone else apply to both?


Hey, I also applied to both!! (Accepted to Kenyon too, Session 1) I’m a sophomore, what grade are you in?

I’m excited for the Iowa decisions to come out soon! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend both programs, and it’s tough that Iowa decisions come out on the same day that the Kenyon deposit is due.

It’s my first time applying to these kinds of writing programs, and I’m not sure what the social/academic experience of the Kenyon program truly feels like beyond what’s on paper. I’ve heard really amazing things about Iowa from my peers. What about you, what do you think? Do you have a program preference?

LDKJFDLKS okay i’ve been lurking but i applied for playwriting this year. extremely nervous, so i have been researching past decision forums. did anyone else here apply for playwriting? i got an email from the director saying that there were not many applicants this year (maybe good??? but also there is only session I). also applied to SYWC for playwriting if anyone here did that too !!!

also congrats y’all who got into kenyon!!

i’m also a sophomore and also got accepted to session 1!

i can’t decide whether i’m nervous or excited…i just want the waiting to be over! same about attending both programs; not sure it’s feasible for me to go to both even if i was accepted to iowa. i wish there was some way of knowing before the kenyon deposit was due.

i’m in the same boat about being new to these kind of programs—i decided to apply/found out they existed like a month before the applications for iowa were due…i definitely feel like i’ve heard more about iowa than kenyon, but honestly i feel lucky to have gotten into anything at all. i wish the deposits were due after the iowa decision. hearing from kenyon has only made me more nervous about iowa…aaaaaaaaa lmao

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i applied to both tv writing and the general fiction/creative writing course for session 2. haven’t heard anything beyond the general “there were so many applicants that the decision date is now april 8,” so it might be just playwriting or just session 1 that has a smaller pool of applicants? that’s really good though—hope you get in!

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thanks!! i was considering tv writing for a bit, but i decided to only apply for playwriting bc its what i’d like to pursue in the future. i think it was just playwriting because they asked me if i would rather attend session 1 in person knowing it’s the going to be the only in-person session for playwriting (i originally asked for session 2 bc of community theatre performances, but i can just not audition). i’m still super nervous. i really want to get in, and i hear from sewanee first april 1st. so practically all of april is just “super important program decision date this friday.” anyway!! hope you get in too :slight_smile:

Iowa checked with u if you want to go with session 1? That is really cool…

I think they did so for all applicants, not just me :// They removed the in-person playwriting program for session 2, so they prob reached out to anyone that originally wanted to be in it.

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Got it, thanks! Checked the status of the application, marked as ‘in progress’. Not sure if that is a good sign….when accepted to Kenyon last year, it was marked as ‘complete’…this Iowa one is really difficult to get in…

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same, even mine still shows in progress

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i remember from last year that it always says in progress, regardless if you get in or not - they give your status in a seperate email but don’t change the submittable account

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at what time do you reckon that the results will be out on the 8th ?

That is my question too. My kid has been accepted to Kenyon Young Writers Workshop, but I am waiting to hear from Iowa. Does anyone know what time Iowa sends out the email? We don’t want to miss Kenyon’s deadline if my kid is rejected by Iowa.


hi! does anybody know when decisions come out today :slight_smile:

last year it came out at like 9 AM CT… but it also might come out at different times depending if you were accepted, rejected, or waitlisted


Thank you! Last year, what were your results?