Iowa young writers studio 2023

hi, didn’t see a forum for iowa young writers studio for this year so anyone whos applying/ applied/ attended before, any experience and advice would be really helpful and appreciated!! anyone applying this year?

i applied last year and didn’t get in, but i’ll apply again this year i think! i ended up getting into/going to kenyon instead and absolutely loved it though–things tend to work themselves out!

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Good luck y’all just be genuine with your work and it’ll be fantastic. Don’t worry. Always send a CID if you’re waitlisted. Some of the greatest weeks of my life were spent in Iowa City there during the summer.

Does any one know the acceptance rate of Iowa Young Writers Studio in recent a couple of years?

Has anyone heard anything?

Two people I know have gotten rejection letters (one on Reddit one on discord). I didn’t get a letter yet…

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No news is good news I hope? :pray:

Can you show me the Reddit link? Thanks!

My D attended last year.

  1. The acceptance rate is about 10%-12%?
  2. She really enjoyed herself. The dorms are great and she met a couple of friends she still talks to on a regular basis.
  3. There are some very serious writers but even if you’re not, it’s still a fun experience.
  4. It’s difficult to get there. Iowa City is not easy location to get in and out.
  5. The people running the program try to accomodate you as much as possible. They wanted to go to a Yoga class that was a few miles away and one of the people at IWYS drove them there - which was great.

My D didn’t get into the in person one, but the 2 week online one. Anyone knows if the online one worths it?

When will they release decision email? Still no email so far …

So u already received the decision email? When?

I haven’t gotten a decision either…anxious

Just got an acceptance letter . . . Good luck!

how hard to get off the alternate list?

accepted !!!

congrats!!! do you think decision times vary based on time zone? i still haven’t gotten mine

Anyone has discord link?

anyone else still waiting?

Yes, still waiting, we are in california