iPad 2 with Scholarship?

<p>I was accepted to U of A with the Wildcat Excellence scholarship which includes an Apple iPad… Does anybody have any thoughts on whether they will give us the original iPad or the new iPad 2 come July/August?? I’m thinking it would be the new one unless they already have many originals or some contract with Apple…</p>

<p>On the list of things you should be worried about, your question is so unimportant that it doesn’t even deserve an answer. If it were me I’d take Apple’s attempt at boosting their sales on college campuses (oh look someone is using an ipad, I want one!), sell it, and use the profit to buy a textbook or laptop. Trust me, you won’t be using it to read books or take notes because it’s not really meant for that (I’ve seen students try and give up). Therefore it’s functionality is pretty much reduced to doing what your phone can do, thus making ownership of the device redundant.</p>

<p>It’s impossible to know what is going to happen. If the univ. actually pays for the ipads and gets some bulk discount, then the ipad 2 coming out will probably push the ipad 1 prices lower, so that’s what they’ll buy to save cost. I suspect though Apple gives them away for free (see first paragraph), and to them an ipad 2 is like giving away free tshirts with their logo on it, in which case they’ll give everyone ipad 2’s (god forbid in the Apple family if you don’t always have the latest generation!)</p>

<p>I know it’s not a big deal, but I am minutely curious as well. Obviously, it means nothing in the big picture and plays no role in the college decision (nor does the presence of a free iPad of any age. Really? Such a gimmick. I wonder if this actually sways anyone’s decision…), but my National Merit scholarship comes with it as well, and, well, I think it’s a fair question (not that anyone here will know the answer).</p>

<p>How much money were you offered?</p>

<p>Yeah, I agree with you, maybe23. It’s not like the ipad will actually sway my decision in anyway but it sparked my curiosity. And I was offered $9,000/yr.</p>

<p>what are your stats? just wondering</p>

<p>3.95 UW gpa, 1460 SAT (M+CR), ib program</p>

<p>nice job. i got $4,000 a year</p>

<p>Yes it is the first gen ipad that is now on sale at the bookstore for 299. National merit awards were 15k this year.</p>