iPhone 4

<p>Is anyone else as excited as I am? I guess my favorite feature is probably FaceTime, would anyone like to argue otherwise?</p>

<p>Not excited about the 2GB data caps in place. Europe’s been able to do things on the iPhone that we as Americans, have not been able to do due to the incompetency of AT&T’s network.</p>

<p>Realistically speaking, very very very few people in the US will use more than 2 GB now that tethering’s in place.</p>

<p>I was excited for the iphone until they announced the lack of unlimited data. Tethering is cool, but of course they are charging you extra for that as well even when you can tether for free on all of At&t’s other smartphones.</p>

<p>Ohh, maybe I can update my iPhone in a year. Well by the time I do, they’ll probably have like an iPhone 6 or something.</p>

<p>something like 98% of all iphone users use less than 2GB a month of the data plan.</p>

<p>[AT&T’s</a> Capped Data Plan Could Save You Money - Pogue’s Posts Blog - NYTimes.com](<a href=“http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/03/atts-capped-data-plan-could-save-you-money/]AT&T’s”>AT&T's Capped Data Plan Could Save You Money - The New York Times)</p>

<p>Yeah, at first I was disappointed by the data cap, assuming that the other companies are soon to follow(as I’m on MotoDroid), but then I looked it up online and realized…hey, all that internet I use only adds up to at max 1GB. And I’m pretty big on Pandora, Facebook, etc, etc.
Although, it’s true, I don’t tether and I can see that eating up data like crazy. But I also agree with the above poster who said that tiered plans could save you money. …Not that I’m crazy about AT&T anyway. If all those rumors about the iPhone coming to CDMA were true, I probably would have gone iPhone 4. HD video, saywuttt? :)</p>

<p>Not really sure if this belongs in this forum, but oh well!</p>

<p>I’m not a big Apple fan, but I have to admit I love the iPhone 4G (And by that I mean 4th generation, not the wireless data network standard). My only gripe is that it’s still on AT&T. If it was on Verizon Wireless, I’d get the phone in a heartbeat.</p>



<p>98% of people don’t walk and multitask online across four websites regularly and three email accounts like I do. Very surprisingly, I get extremely close to 2GB/Month without any videos. One can only wonder what my data usage would be when you factor in Doctor Who, Burn Notice, 30 Rock, The Colbert Report, [Insert 10 Other Shows Here]…</p>