IR in Cornell

<p>How does IR work in Cornell?
I know that there isnt IR major.
But can you concentrate in IR majoring like Political Science in COrnell?</p>

<p>Does it have good IR program?</p>

<p>Politcal Science = Government Major at Cornell</p>

<p>Here's a website you should check out:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>so.. is it in Arts and Science ?
WHat should I apply for?</p>

<p>yes - the most common way to pursue international relations would be to apply to Arts & Sciences (CAS) and become a govertment major.</p>

<p>But I encourage you to research throught the web the variety of Cornell's offerings. They are so vast that they can be a little daunting. You might want to consider ILR, Human Ecology, or CALS depending on what your specific interests are.</p>