Believe me…there are a lot of “very smart 4.0” high stats kids in CBH (probably nearly all of them). That doesn’t mean that it’s ok to take 18+ credits as a fall frosh …as an eng’g major(s) with CBH.
He has NO NEED to add DiffEQ I or Physics as a fall frosh. NONE.
Both of my kids started in engineering. S1 changed to math (his strength) and the S2 continued in Eng’g in ChemE. They both came in with lots of AP credits. This gave them options…did some minors, took some classes for interest, etc.
My CBH son only took 14 credits his first semester. I don’t remember how many credits my S2 took fall semester, but I do know that he tweaked his schedule shortly before classes started (w/o my knowledge) and his schedule was much more difficult than it should have been. He took Organic Chem and Cell Biology along with frosh eng’g class (there was only one then), Calc III and Spanish. Since he was also premed, he knew that his GPA was important so he sacrificed a LOT that semester to get a 4.0. In hindsight, he wishes that he had either delayed Orgo or Cell Bio (both of those courses only had upperclassmen in the class!). I think one saving grace was that his roommates in his super-suite were his high school friends, who were also top students. Having close friends (who get along well!) as suite-mates, lessened the adjustment aspect.
He has a somewhere around 60 AP credits (+/- 5 as we wait for this year's AP scores), though only about 1/2 to 2/3 seem like they would apply to engineering majors.
That’s typical for everyone, but even more so for eng’g majors. Typically many of the AP various history credits just sit on the transcripts. Sometimes the bio credits just sit there as well unless the eng’g student is ChemE (or maybe also another E discipline that requires Bio).
I’m guessing that your son is coming in with AP English credits. That alone helps his first year…not only with space in his schedule, but in time saved from all the essay writes and rewrites.
I’ve forgotten what GBA is…please refresh my old memory.
Is that for STEM to MBA?
You are right to be concerned on both fronts…there are a lot of adjustments fall frosh year. Parents aren’t around to kind of help keep all the plates in the air. Roommates can be a distraction. Kids tend to stay up even later than they did at home.
Many kids who routinely attended Zero Period classes (starting at 7 or 7:30 am) in high school, suddenly start missing 8 am classes in college. Only natural early risers should take 8am classes fall frosh year.
At some point, try to get your son to take Philosophy Deductive Logic. It’s beneficial for all STEM students, but really it’s good for anyone in any career.
As for being an EE/CS double major… I would think that it would be just as beneficial to be an EE major with either a CS minor or just some extra CS classes on the transcript. Adding CS as a major will not likely make him more marketable. Someone with an EE degree with extra CS classes would also be appealing to employers (I have two brothers who went that route…EE with extra CS classes. One went on to get a masters in Software Eng’g, and the other got a masters in CS. They’ve been amazingly successful. One recently retired as a VP of DirecTV and the other is high exec for Canon USA.