Is 18 hours too much?


I’m new to these forums myself. I’ve visited have here often looking for answers, but this is the first time asking a question.

I am about to complete my 1st year of college on a dual degree program. (Aerospace Engineering and Physics) But am not sure if I should take 15 or 18 hours for my 3rd semester. I’ve already AP ed out of most of my core classes (just politics left) and plan to take mostly engineering classes this upcoming semester.

I took 15 hours my 1st and 2nd semester and ended up with a GPA of 3.75 (may flux due to finals next week).
The classes I’ll be taking are as follows:

Engineering Design (MAE 1351): 3hrs -Heard was an easy class
Solid Mechanics (MAE 2312): 3hrs
Dynamics (MAE 2323): 3hrs
Thermo Dynamics Engineering (MAE 3309): 3hrs
Modern Physics & Applications (PHYS 3313) :3hrs -Has a lab component

And am considering taking;
Fluid Dynamics (MAE 2315): 3hrs

I would appreciate any input or advice you could give!

no no no I am not sure if you should take 5 techy courses at once…ask your adviser. Certainly do not take 6.
What are you planning to do with your AP credits?
Save a semester of tuition/graduate faster?
Be able to take less credits per semester?
Study abroad?

Since I was able to test out of so much course work, I’d like to use the space for my 2nd bachelors, Physics, the thing is i’d have a total number of hours as 129. So I wouldn’t be able to take 15 hours each semester if I want to graduate in 4 years. On my schools suggested course plan for solely Aerospace engineering all of the above courses as well as Liquid Dynamics (MAE 2315) are set for the second semester at an 18 hour total. Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone who attended here as a freshman for Aerospace Engineering and are further ahead than I, so i’m not sure about the workload.

That sounds like overload, did you actually plot it out to see if you can even make that schedule? Do you not participate in any extra curriculars? I think you would really be putting the squeeze on yourself.

Talk to your advisor. They should be able to give you a sense if this is a doable workload.

Well, I’m part of an undergraduate research team with my physics professor, of which I’ll be taking his class next semester. I did speak with my adviser who stated I could take all the engineering classes, plus another engineering class, since he’s already done the research in creating the suggested course plan, but isn’t sure of how much of a burden Modern Physics will be since that lies in another department. I’m wary of taking 18 hours in my later semester since I suspect the classes will be more difficult or time consuming, but who can say.