Is a 780 a good US SAT score?

<p>I took the sat ii US History exam in june and got a 780. Is it good if I want to go to HYPSMC?</p>

<p>Of course. Man u worry too much
You dont have to be PERFECT
780 is a very very good score</p>

<p>From my perspective, HYPSMC will be looking for excellence not necessarily perfection. As long as you got 750+ and your score correlates with your GPA and possibly AP score I don't see why the colleges will look at you differently. Also, 780 is 95th percentile so with that said you are now competing with 5% of the test-takers. Still not all of the 5% of test-takers are going to be better applicants than you (hopefully). And since HYPSMC have 8-10% acceptance rates...congrats! </p>

<p>My logic might be a little far-fetched, but it sure made me feel better :)</p>

<p>Yes.. 780 is fine.................</p>

<p>It is AMAZING</p>

<p>what percentile is 790?</p>

<p>i got a 790 too... its about 97-98 percentile. Originally I was annoyed I got a 790, but it is a damn good score and very few people get 800's (although it seems otherwise on CC). Don't worry about it. If you don't get into the college of your choice because of 10 points (or 20!) on an SAT II, I wouldn't even want to go to that college anymore if i were you.</p>

<p>But the 10 or 20 pts prob won't make a diff</p>

<p>I think 98th percentile - basically you're a legend.</p>

<p>a 780 is a horrible score...i got a 800</p>

<p>jkjk...i can't believe u even need to ask that. one sat II score is gonna make or break ur application, and if anything a 780 is a really really good score.</p>

<p>i did get an 800 tho</p>

<p>how about a 750? worth retaking?</p>

<p>How about a 770? Retake or no? I am a huge history buff too.</p>

<p>As long as you are above a 750, there is no reason to retake an SAT2. Especially in one where you still have a high percentile (90% or above).</p>

<p>Or perhaps I should start telling all of you how you will never get into a good college with scores like that. You'll end up going to a third tier school which only people who live near it have heard of.</p>

<p>Or, you could still get into Ivies. This is the much more plausible answer.</p>

<p>CHILLAX! Life is not about to end. In all honesty, you have a good chance to get into prestigious schools as long as your SAT2s are all around (which includes lower than) a 750.</p>

<p>yes stop complaining</p>