CRNA job outlook?

<p>I became very interested in anesthesiology as I was searching for medical careers and becoming a CRNA seems very appealing to me. However as I was researching about it i came across a number of forums that said that their is already a surplus of CRNAs right now. So by the time I get to become one (probably around 2025) what do you think the job market be? Is it a stable career? Can I support a family while being a CRNA? Thanks for any insight! :)</p>

<p>bump! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>I don’t think anyone can tell you anything about the job market in 2025. It is clear that the rapid aging of the US population (with a huge increase in the number of Americans over age 75) and the implementation of universal health coverage will increase the demand for RNs over the next decade. </p>

<p>After you finish your RN, then you should re-examine the demand for specialities and additional degrees.</p>