Is all hope lost?...Rescinded??

<p>So I'm a transfer from UCSD, and I was accepted to both UCLA and Cal.</p>

<p>I'm planning on going to UCLA next year, until I realized I might not pass a Pass/No Pass class.</p>

<p>If I do not pass the class, will I get rescinded from both schools?</p>

<p>The class is a 1 unit seminar in Pharmalogical Chemistry, (which is not my major at either school).</p>


<p>Well if it is part of your condition in the contract for acceptance that they sent you about completing classes and that course was listed there, then yes you may be rescinded if you do not pass.</p>

<p>I met with one of my friends a couple days back and his acceptance to UC Berkeley was recently rescinded because he dropped a Calculus course that was not part of his major. He appealed but was denied because it was part of the contract that he would at least pass the class with a B.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply. Did your friend drop it before a add/drop deadline, or did he withdrawal from the course? Does it show on his transcripts?</p>

<p>The thing is, this class is just a 1 unit seminar, and has no effect on GPA, its more of a for your knowledge class. Calculus classes on the other hand are for letter grade and 4 units.</p>

<p>May I ask, then, why you might not pass this class?</p>

<p>i missed one class, due to parking.</p>

<p>Whoa, one day missing and you might not pass? That’s pretty rough! Maybe you can explain this to UCB/UCLA.</p>

<p>yeah, its not cool…Do you think its better to Withdrawal out of the class or get a No Pass.</p>

<p>Definitely Withdraw (if really needed). Missing one class?! Freaking crazy! If UCLA admissions says something regarding it, then you can explain that situation. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>ktf - he dropped it with a W. Yes, it does unfortunately show on your transcript that you received a W. But a W really doesn’t play too much of a factor for applying. Yeah, calculus is a bigger subject with large units but it can also be taken for P/NP if you petition.</p>

<p>Try to talk to your counselor or email them asap to find out an answer that is best for your current situation. Best of luck and congrats on LA and CAL.</p>


<p>Was your friend’s major impacted? The only contracts I’ve heard of that require at least a B in every class are business, econ and the like. I know mine allows for C’s on the condition that the semester GPA remain at 3.00 or above.</p>

<p>Further, was your friend using the calc class to fulfill his math requirement on the IGETC? Did he need this class to reach 60 units for transfer?</p>

<p>I feel extremely sad for my friend because I know he has worked so hard for his admissions and to only have it stripped from him just because of one class is extremely harsh.</p>

<p>He was a psychology major, so I don’t know if that is impacted or not. The math transferrable course was already fulfilled by statistics for IGETC. Also he already had 64 units transferrable to UC Berkeley.</p>

Psychology is a very impacted major, I can understand why now. I wish your friend luck…I would be completely devastated. :X I’m a Psychology major myself. :/</p>