Is anybody but me fearing a last-minute change of mind?


<p>My daughter was also accepted to SLU with a nice scholarship, although not as nice as Bama. I thought she was a lock for Bama until last week when she was accepted into SLU’s medical Scholors program. </p>

<p>Now we all just stare at the letter from SLU and wait for her to check the accept or reject box. It’s so hard watching her struggle.</p>

<p>When informed that my super smarty-pants NMF son was definitely going to U.A., his counselor grinned and said ''Bama’s doing <em>something</em> right!</p>

<p>sniner…congrats to your D.</p>

<p>However, be aware that SLU’s medical scholars deal is not a guaranteed admitance into their med school…as two scholars sadly posted in the pre-med forum.</p>

<p>Agreed Mom2College! I too have read some posts from disappointed kids. I just wish CBHP had worked out for us.</p>

<p>Last summer, I met with Dr. Sharpe about awesome students just like your D…they’re pre-med, have great stats, and when they don’t get into CBH, some feel the blues. We talked about having a Pre-Health Honors Program…and he really liked the idea…I just don’t know why it hasn’t launched.</p>

<p>Did your D look into Emerging Scholars at Bama?</p>

<p>No we have not yet looked into Emerging Scholars. Is this something you are picked for or should we be contacting someone? Would going for this affect our waiting list status for CBHP?</p>

<p>I don’t think pursuing that option would hurt wait-list for CBH.</p>

<p>Here’s the link…and there’s also a contact link</p>

<p>[Emerging</a> Scholars Program - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Emerging”></p>

<p>While I was planning on attending UA since October of my senior year and placed my deposits that February, I was still entertaining other offers until April 30th. My college selection process focused on finding a school where I could pursue my interests while not going into large amounts of debt. As such, I applied primarily to schools that would normally be considered safeties and matches. I lucked out in that Alabama offered the best financial package, had everything I wanted in a school, and showed that they wanted me as a student. This is not to say that there aren’t things I don’t like about UA or that my time here has been perfect, but overall this has been the best choice for me and I am glad to have taken advantage of the opportunity to go somewhere that many people I know would never think of doing.</p>

<p>Students come to UA with the proverbial, sometimes actual, letterman jacket of high school accomplishments and hope chest full of college desires. My best advice is to stop worrying about the past and to use your future plans as guidelines rather than a lock step itinerary. Take advantage of interesting opportunities that will invariably arise and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Too many students enter UA thinking that what they saw on their admissions visit is the best, possibly only way to enjoy ones 4 years on campus. This simply is not true. You have to take charge of your life.</p>

<p>Remember that YOU are the one responsible for making sure that you have an enjoyable time before, during, and after college. One of the best things about UA is that it allows each and every student to customize their academic experience. Take advantage of this extremely valuable benefit, recognizing that while not everything will be perfect, everything will do a part in helping you become a bright, innovative, and unique individual that the world will be proud of. </p>

<p>As Ms. Frizzle is famous for saying, Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Lol Seatide, love the magic school bus reference.</p>

<p>I think you hit the nail on the head. There is good & not so good, mostly good, but it is what you make it.</p>

<p>Thanks to all of you for your thoughts. This is such a timely thread. My son had been dead set on Samford since last summer. A few weeks ago he started to indicate that he might rather go to Bama. Confusion has set in. He has the presidential to Bama and he just received a nice scholarship package to Samford, which adds to the confusion. As a Bama alum, I (and my wallet) would love for him to choose Bama but he has to make that decision. I am strongly urging him to decide within the next couple weeks.</p>

<p>I think many have been in your shoes. We hadn’t even applied to BAMA but they contacted my son due to test scores.He, too, was the first from his school. We thought son was headed to Texas, although I still had fingers crossed for Boston. M2CK and others convinced us it was worth the trip and off we went. Son felt good on campus. People were warm and despite good experiences elsewhere, the personalized treatment at BAMA had an edge. Son is now a sophomore/junior…third semester at BAMA, has studied in China during last summer, and gone directions I could never have foreseen. Thank you, BAMA. I think there are many good schools and our kids can get an education many places and be wanted many places. All I can say, is that I question whether or not the personalized care and accessibility of folks is available to the extent it is at BAMA. I think this board epitomizes the BAMA experience: helpful, wanting success for all. M2CK has been confident to us all! Sea-tide is thorough and giving with the student point of view. These folks and others on the board are representative of what we have found at BAMA.I think Sea-tide made a good point. You can spend your life looking at woulda-shoulda-coulda, or embrace a great situation. It is always better to be in a growing program/school than one sitting on its laurels. We have all been lucky to be a part of President Witt’s vision and I know our kids haven’t let him down. Good luck as you make your decision but go forth confidently once it is made. It is hard to imagine that choosing BAMA could ever be a mistake, but I do recognize folks are different. Roll tide.</p>

<p>SEA_tide: awesome post. Thrilled that my son is going to school with peers like you. Live through the windshield, not the rear view mirror. Love it.</p>

<p>Sea_tide…great post…and I have fond memories of Ms. Fizzle, too!</p>

<p>The Student…I hadn’t realized how close your son was to attending another school. So, glad that everything has worked out so well for your son and all the others will such positive experiences.</p>

<p>There’s a family that will be visiting Bama this month that I’ve pm’d with (I don’t think they’ve posted here), and I’m hoping that they will see what y’all have seen. I know that Allison and Susan are working hard setting up their day. Their D sounds like an awesome student, and Bama would be thrilled to have her. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Ok, M2CK, you outted me. We’re the family visiting Bama this month for the 1st time. I’ve got to say that our interest started with the incredible scholarship for NMF, but has grown an incredible amount due to the information and enthusiasm of all of you on these boards. Our D is still trying to decide between UA and 2 Northeastern private schools. We’re hoping the visit will help her decide. After reading all of your posts, we are very excited to see the campus!</p>

<p>lol…I didn’t say your name! But thanks for the post! </p>


<p>Now your post count is: 1</p>

<p>Only 33,533 more posts to catch up to you…</p>

<p>Looks like the change of mind happened. </p>

<p>How do I get my housing deposit back?</p>

<p>Contact housing.</p>

<p>Good luck to your son!</p>

<p>Whatever the decision, there’s a lot to be said for having it made. Now you can move on to the next phase of this seemingly never ending process. Best of luck to your son!</p>

<p>I think that my daughter has made up her mind! She just filled out the paperwork for cheer tryouts!</p>
