Is cc only for people applying to ivies?

<p>I just noticed that especially in the chances section there is nothing but people asking about harvard and Yale etc. I would like to have one conversation with someone who isn't trying to 1-up me.</p>

<p>Yes. If you don’t have at least a 2390 SAT and a 3.9 GPA you aren’t alowed to have an account.</p>

<p>Ya, Juice38, if you arent applying to the ivies then you need to get out of here.

<p>It’s not like all their majors are top notch anyways</p>

<p>A serious response: CC is for people who care about academics and care about going to a good school. As a result, people shooting for ivies are the norm. Others that don’t care as much about academics would not only not care to find a site like this, they would have an idea of where to aim for and where they will get in (because their schools have high acceptance rates).</p>

<p>I’m the opposite of the stereotype, my grades suck and I’m not smart.</p>

<p>lol seems like it doesn’t it? most people on CC aim for the ivies. it’s the norm here to be a super over achiever. but their are acceptions (i.e. me :stuck_out_tongue: )</p>

<p>I’m not aiming for an Ivy. There’s specific forums for every school on this site, but the Ivy League schools, as well as other selective schools, are the most popular.</p>

<p>There are many students on here who didn’t/won’t apply to any Ivies. I didn’t, nor did I want to. It’s about what you want out of your college experience in addition to where you can get in. Having said that, there usually is at least one arsehat lurking the board who thinks that anyone without top 5% scores/GPA is a lesser being or isn’t trying enough, and that if you don’t get into any Ivy you’re a failure. That’s their problem though. And then there are the ■■■■■■, which you should pay no mind to unless you’d like to join in. </p>

<p>Really though, CC is a helpful site for anyone. If you look at the acceptance/final choice threads for kids who are going to college this fall, you’ll find that the majority on this site are not going to attend an Ivy. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact, most are very happy with their choice of college.</p>

<p>I tend to avoid other people’s chance threads because they’re just so depressing with the whole “I have a 3.9 UW, 2300 SAT, I’m 1st chair violin and captain of my sports team, am I good enough?” while the rest of us are sitting here feeling terrible about our lesser but still above-average grades that we should be proud of. That’s not all of CC though, thankfully. You take the good with the bad, and get some great advice along the way.</p>

<p>^Exactly. When you come to CC, ALWAYS keep in mind that the people here are only a select few out of the thousands of students who will be applying to colleges each year. It is not uncommon for a person to feel intimidated by some of the over-achievers here. And it’s not like they’re all applying to your favorite school, right? Just remember that in real life, few people are like this.</p>



<p>No there aren’t.</p>


not every single school, but most:
[Colleges</a> and Universities - College Confidential](<a href=“]Colleges”>Colleges and Universities A-Z - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>Staying in California. No Ivies in California. So therefore no.
(I guess there is Stanford though…ha. Nope.)</p>



<p>I haven’t counted, but I suspect that it’s a lot fewer than half the 3000+ 4-year colleges and universities in the U.S. For example: in Illinois, we have 11 four-year publics (plus one upper-division-only). Only one of them, our flagship, has a CC forum.</p>