I heard that CSUF is really crowded and that most of the undergraduates would be able to graduate between 5-6 years. I am a business major and other people said that the business school’s funding is adequate enough that everyone will get their classes, but is that true? I went to a tour today and I asked around (tour guides and a professor) and they said that everyone will get their classes. I would greatly appreciate a peer response to that question. I really want to transfer to a private school but if I don’t get the required classes to transfer than I really don’t want to stay at a school that will take 5-6 years to graduate with only a bachelor degree.
Thank you for any help you can offer! 
Do you care what time of day you take your classes or if you have to take an online instead of live class? A lot of whining about not getting classes is really whining about not getting them at the time when the student wants them, or with the professor they want, or live instead of online. Yes, all of those things can make a difference in your experience, but if you want to finish in 4 years, you will need to be willing to take the class whenever/however/with whomever you can get into that class.
Are you well organized? A lot of scheduling problems arise when students don’t keep track of registration dates, and don’t have back-up plans in case they are shut out of every single section of a class they had planned to take that term. Students who don’t keep up in their classes and find that they need to repeat a class that they drop or flunk end up with scheduling problems too.
@happymomof1 Thank you for your response. I really don’t mind what time of the classes but the transfer requirements for the private school said that I cannot attend online classes. I am a new student so I have no idea which professor is good or not so hopefully luck can point me to that direction. Thank you again.
“transfer requirements for the private school said that I cannot attend online classes”
Are you hoping to transfer after a year or two? Then investigate what that place means by “online”. At most colleges and universities that offer classes both live and online versions of some courses, there is no difference in how they are recorded on the transcript. Not to mention of course that sometimes a class is only offered in online format.