Is DePauw’s campus walkable to the town?

Can anyone speak to what lies immediately off DePauw’s campus? Can you walk to Greencastle’s shops and restaurants? Thanks!

Yes you can walk to the local restaurants and few shops in Greencastle. It is a more rural town, but the campus is beautiful with a big campus feel. Some freshman do bring cars, so finding a ride to Walmart in Greencastle or to more shopping experiences Plainfield (40minute drive towards Indianapolis can be found. However, many stay in the bubble and Hoover dining can meet ones needs. Check out Lily Rakow YouTube channel or the schools YouTube videos DTV3 to get a glimpse of feel of the campus.

@commonsensical3 Thanks for the info!

Visited in April. But on Easter, unfortunately … (everything was closed).

Certainly easy to walk to a number of restaurants and other eateries, but seemed light on other offerings. But this is to be expected in a town with population of 10,000.

@cjpski Thanks for sharing that!