Is doing bird-calls in the empty hallway suspicious enouth to have a drug test given?

<p>My friend had to take a drug test today because he was walking down the hallways doing bird calls during class.</p>

<p>He passed, but how is that "reasonable suspicion?"</p>

<p>is he autistic?</p>

<p>No! He’s not… he’s just strange.</p>

<p>Drugs make you do strange things…it school, anyways. Anything can be considered reasonable suspicion because the definition is so subjective.</p>

<p>My friend got tested the other day because he smelled like cologne, which the administrators said was “usually” only worn to cover up the smell of marijuana. The really bull is, he passed, but they sent him home anyway because the cologne plus his red eyes was more concrete proof that he was high than a negative drug test that said he wasn’t.</p>

<p>Lololol wow. Your friend must be spectacular.</p>

<p>Not that uncommon in my school (bird calls I mean). What method did your friend use to produce said calls?</p>

<p>haha my friend makes amazingly realistic bird calls. He’s always doing them in class and on the bus and stuff to freak people out.</p>


haha, I love this topic. Just the randomness of it.</p>


<p>Your school issues mandatory drug tests? what the ****?</p>

<p>Suspicious enough to have a drug test? Yes.</p>

<p>Suspicious enough to override a drug test? Heh.</p>

<p>Yep, it’s weird enough to qualify for a drug test, definitely. I mean…really? </p>

<p>It is pretty weird that your school’s just ready to test people though.</p>

<p>gotta love high school…</p>


<p>This is my all time favorite thread.</p>

<p>My headmaster hated me.
He forced me to do drug test at least once a term. (Idiot!). I’ve been tested for eating a poppy seed bagel (to cover up…), for walking uncoordinated (after 6 weeks in a cast…), for talking to “other suspects” … </p>

<p>At first it was embarrassing (somebody has to watch you pee), but then it was funny, because the doc was always the same and he always defended me…</p>

<p>lol, talking to ‘other suspects’…</p>

<p>Wow. This is still my favorite thread. :)</p>

<p>I’ve never seen any of that happen. Drugs are so common at my school they’d never actually drug test anyone unless they thought they were on “extreme” drugs.</p>

<p>My school does random drug searches to “avoid embarrassing suspects.” But I’ve done cartwheels in the hallway. Now I’m worried I’ll be tested!</p>

<p>They do random drug tests…but never seem to catch people who actually do drugs. They only test people in extracurriculars, cause that’s definitely what all the drug users do during their free time :)</p>

<p>^ Wow. It amazes me how ignorant school administrators can be.</p>