Is finishing college apps for nursing schools at mid/end of November okay?

<p>Hey everyone. So I'm currently a senior in high school & in the process of applying to a bunch of direct entry nursing programs. A lot of people told me that applying before the end of October is best, but I don't know if I can really make it. </p>

<p>I've got everything for the most part, but I'm thinking of asking another teacher for a rec. letter this Tuesday and am still waiting on fall SAT/ACT scores. I already have 2 letters right now (one from a chemistry teacher & one from a guidance counselor), but I think a third one will improve my chances. It's last minute, but I think asking her to get it in before mid November is very reasonable. She likes me as a student, has known me for all 4 years of high school, and probably hasn't gotten a lot of requests for rec. letters (isn't very close to most of her students, I'm one of the lucky ones haha). If she says no, it's whatever but I'll try anyway.</p>

<p>Also, I just took an ACT (with writing) on Saturday (October 25th, 2014) and scores take at least 5 weeks. I don't know how I did, but I'm hoping I did better than I have on past SATs. The problem is, I won't know my score until November 29th...</p>

<p>**Note: How many days does it take for scores to reach a college? </p>

<p>Speaking of SATs, I missed the last one that was early October (overslept, mom problems, long story -___-) so I have my next one on October 8th. Those scores also take about 2 weeks to be released, so I'll get them on November 22nd. </p>

<p>My current CR+M score of 990 is 10 - 90 points off of what colleges are looking for, so I don't know what to do... I could send in what I have now, but should I?? </p>

<p>I’d apply to several schools before the end of October. You can do some more applications in November. You can tell the college in the app that new test scores will be coming to them shortly. Smaller colleges probably wouldn’t mind seeing another recommendation come in a little later. You don’t want to wait for a perfect application and find out all the seats have already been offered to other students. </p>

<p>IUP (Indiana University of PA) has a very basic application (5-10 minute completion) and requires no essays or teacher/counselor recommendations, only a copy of the transcript and SAT/ACT scores. I believe East Stroudsburg and Edinboro are similar. You could submit any such applications now, then have your transcript and scores sent within the next few weeks. My son’s SAT scores were received by IUP the same day we requested that they be sent.</p>

<p>@charliesch hey this is areally stupid question, but what do you mean when saying ‘apply’? does that mean that i should have just my application submitted or my application along with everything else? because i’ve pretty much finished filling out all of my applications, its just the essay that i need to add along with rec letters & sat/act scores. i was looking at the deadlines on collegeboard and don’t understand why the early action date is different from the deadline to send in scores. what does that mean??</p>

<p>mjmansuria, you should get your application in as soon as possible. The application itself needs to be submitted by/before the early action deadline. It will not be considered “complete” until your recommendations and scores are received but once they are, it will be reviewed for admission.</p>

<p>@kjc2014 Oooooooh okay, thank you so much for clearing that up!!</p>