Is Frog Camp Worth It???

<p>Hello, I got accepted to TCU about 3 weeks ago and I will attend there in the Fall of 2012. I really don't know anybody there, and I know Frog Camp is supposed to be a way of meeting new people. But do you actually become friends with people you just met? Is Frog Camp a must for someone who wants college friends but doesn't know anybody? Does it actually help? Any info about it is very helpful. Thank you!</p>

<p>HI Fashionguyy - No, Frog Camp isn’t a must but it definitely helps. Lots of kids attend the session just before school starts so they don’t have to fly to Fort Worth twice. TCU has another program called First Frogs. All new freshmen participate and you put in a small group with the guys from your dorm hall for a couple of days of events. Those guys will definitely become your friends. :)</p>