<p>Does anyone have advice? Am signed up for one of the earlier sessions, but now thinking I may have to cancel because I didn't know my summer class at community college would still be going on.<br>
Would it be bad to miss fish camp? Any positives or negatives? Thanks.</p>
<p>I didn’t attend fish camp; its fine. Fish camp is a way for some fish to start off college with a few extra friends and to really learn the traditions, songs and whatnot before going to A&M, all in all if you can’t attend it, don’t freak out too bad! You can still always meet people easily through dorms, clubs and so on, and you’ll learn the stuff quickly afterward anywho</p>
<p>any chance of switching to a different fish camp?</p>
<p>Fish camp is not imperative. It is really just about making 1 or 2 friends that you can hang out with once you get here. I made about 2 friends at fish camp, never saw any of the other people again, and made tons of friends once I got to school. Personally, a lot of fish camp to me felt like a drag and there are many people I know who thought the exact same thing. So sure you may miss an experience you might enjoy, but it isn’t at all a bad thing if you don’t go…</p>