Is GBA 145 offered in the spring? Do we have to take it?

Just does not fit well in my schedule at all this semester! TIA

It was offered Spring 2016 and Spring 2015, so I’m assuming so…1 section of 64 seats. You can check previous semester’s classes by using the “Look Up Classes” button on your mybama page, and select a past term.

It is offered in the spring, but I would think that if you’re going to take it, it would be most beneficial to take it in the fall. Some of the assignments in the fall, for instance, are attending Get on Board Day and going to the career fair. Your advising is done during GBA 145 class, and you are introduced to the various majors within Culverhouse. If you’re undecided on a major, getting that information sooner rather than later is better.

However, GBA 145 is NOT a requirement. My daughter did not take it. She knew what she wanted to major in and she already had a full schedule. She signed up for it at Bama Bound because the advisor told her she had to (not true), and then she promptly dropped it as soon as she got home.