Is IB diploma (indicated doing Ib in HS) necessary for Purdue?

Hey, my best friend has been awarded an N in his SL Business Mangament because he failed to be on time so therefore he was not awarded with an IB diploma, do you guys think Purdue will rescind his offer! (He is doing Physics, College of Science in Purdue) I believe BM does not affect at all. People let me know your views! Thanks:)

Hey @Sally_Rubenstone, my best friend has been awarded an N in his SL Business Mangament because he failed to be on time so therefore he was not awarded with an IB diploma, do you guys think Purdue will rescind his offer! (He is doing Physics, College of Science in Purdue) I believe BM does not affect at all. And Sally I also wanted to know is it a better idea to contact the advisor? If yes through email or phone? Thanks so much in advance! :slight_smile:
He is really worried :frowning:

@Screenshot1998 -While I cannot be certain, I find it highly unlikely that your friend’s IB situation will affect his Purdue acceptance, assuming that his grades were strong in all of his classes besides BM. Nonetheless, an email to his admissions rep is appropriate. While many students hope that one bad grade will slip by unnoticed, this isn’t true. So it’s better to take “ownership” of the problem and explain what led to the problem, even if it means admitting to acting irresponsibly. (This provides an opportunity to explain what was learned from the situation.)

@Sally_Rubenstone thanks so much! You would say an email or a phone call would be better? However I would like to remind you again that cause of this he hasn’t got the IB diploma, but I suppose all, or most of his grades were near the predicted ones, only IB business SL was an N ( I’m so worried, he was to room with me in Purdue, and we mad a lot of plans:() nevertheless thank you So much! (He will be getting certificates for each subject however)

@Screenshot1998- Yes, email, as noted above. Many admission officials are on vacation right now so an email is the most pragmatic way to reach them. It will also allow your friend to compose his thoughts and edit them as needed and will allow him to maintain a written record of whatever exchange ensues. In his email he should definitely emphasize that the rest of his grades were at or near the predictions.