Will failing IB Exams get my offer from Purdue rescinded?


I’m about to have my IB Final Exams and wanted to ask a quick question in case of the worst possible scenario where I fail IB. I’m going to Purdue and will this means that my offer get rescinded? I also heard that they don’t regularly check the high school transcript?


No, Colleges in the USA don’t care whether or not you get the IB Diploma. You will probably be graduating before IB scores come out, meaning you will have been awarded a HS Diploma. You’ll be okay.

Hey, thanks for the answer. So, all that they require is a HS Diploma?

Sorry for the late reply. Yes, in the majority of US colleges and universities don’t require an IB Diploma (actually, I’m not even sure if one university requires IB diploma in the US). Failing the IB will mean that you won’t get IB credit (obviously) for the subjects you failed in, but the ones you passed, you will get credit in. Basically, in the US, the IB Diploma isn’t really important to colleges once you have gotten in. Don’t worry about it.

Hey, my best friend has been awarded an N in his SL Business Mangament because he failed to be on time so therefore he was not awarded with an IB diploma, do you guys think Purdue will rescind his offer! (He is doing Physics, College of Science in Purdue) I believe BM does not affect at all. People let me know your views! Thanks:)

This is old but no, that shouldn’t be the case.

Call the school for the accurate answer. They won’t know who you are unless you tell them! Good Luck!