Is IB math difficult?

I am fairly good at math, but not brilliant. would I be able to do IB math HL?

Also, I wanna do law or programming in college, so have I chosen my subjects right?

English, Math, Economics- HL
Physics, Chemistry, French- SL

My school doesn’t offer computer science, so I am stuck with math…
I need to submit my subject choices in a few short days, so any help is highly appreciated.

Do you get easy As in math currently? If yes, go for it otherwise it will be hard for you.

If you’re thinking about law, do you think you might want a history class instead of both physics and chemistry? As for the math, my impression is that @khanam 's advice is spot on.

@khanam yes I do get As in math but the math they teach us at school is very simple…so I don’t know if that counts…

@potterhead612 in that case, the best solution is to ask your seniors. IB HL Math is very hard. Definitely requires more effort than AP Calc etc. So I would honestly recommend you ask before you jump into it. A bunch of my daughter’s friends have had their grades plummet because of IB HL Math. 1 girl went straight from a low A to a high C - did not even stop at a B along the way. Straight to Cs. You might be better than other kids so don’t let me scare you either. Ask your teachers as well. IB is hard - plan out your choices carefully. Also law and programming are very different things. Somewhere along the way you will have to decide STEM or humanities or business.

What math class are you taking? IB Math HL is currently the hardest math curriculum internationally along with A-Level Further Maths. It’s very hard, but because it’s only taken by students who are brilliant at math, getting a 7 is almost impossible if you’re not really, really good. Are you in Precalculus HOnors? Calculus?.. right now?

Law isn’t a post-high school program in the US. If you count on applying to the UK, that’s another matter.
Typically though, in both countries, you’d need History and Political Science, so that your program would look like…
History, English, Economics HL
Maths, Science, French SL