Is IB (really) right for me?

<p>Hi everyone! If you can't tell by my username, which you're probably looking at right about now, I'm really interested in the IB Diploma Program. Right now, I'm a sophomore in high school. I've talked to peers who are taking the full IBDP, peers who aren't, and my counselor about whether or not I should do it. It seems to be a great fit for me, but what's your opinion?</p>

<p>I go to a public high school, so there's none of that fancy IB prep. We utilize block schedules (4 days: ABCD, with 4 blocks, where every other day is identical except for Phys Ed and science lab), which allow you to take up to 7 courses/year. Freshman year I took Honors Geometry, Biology, AP World 9 (school divides World into two years), Spanish 2, Pre-AP English, and Orchestra. This year I'm taking Algebra 2/Trig Honors, AP Chem, AP World 10, Spanish 3, AP Language/Comp, AP Psych, and Orchestra. I loaded up on APs mostly because I'm interested, but also because I think it'll help me to transition into the massive workload I've heard you're presented with by IB.</p>

<p>About the philosophy of IB (more depth, less compartmentalization, critical thinking...), I think that I'd really be interested in having a school experience that's not as composed of classes that don't really fit together, and learning where its only purpose is preparing for "the exam." I also think that, even though everyone says that it's a ton of stress, TOK and all the internal essays and readings will be interesting, albeit difficult.</p>

<p>Do you think I'm a good "fit" for the IB Diploma Program? :)</p>

<p>... And now for some more questions:</p>

<p>Should I keep playing in my school orchestra and take IB Music Theory during my Junior and Senior years? The whole concept of composing and playing for a group is kind of nerve wracking for me, although I'd hate to stop playing with my friends just because of that. The alternative would be to take IB Business for two years, which I could see more of a practical use for.</p>

<p>I've come across some websites (links below) that show greatly raised acceptance rates at top-tier colleges for IB students- if you're wondering, I'm currently interested in Biology at U Chicago, Cornell, and JHU. Is it possible that these inflated rates for IB Diploma recipients are correct? What are your experiences with this?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>While I cannot give you my perspective as a post-IB graduate, I am in the Programme currently. I think it really depends on the school. Yours seems to be very developed in its program, so I would recommend it for you. You are at least realistic about the work and expectations, so that is a major hurdle already overcome (I see a lot of people who drop because they think it will be easy, and are shocked to discover otherwise). I enjoy IB, and I definitely do feel more prepared for collegiate studies.</p>

<p>As for your conflict over IB Music Theory vs. IB Business, I would say to pick the class in which you are most interested. You will have plenty of classes that are practical, you’ll want something you enjoy. An important consideration, as well, is whether the class is two credits or one. If IB Business is one (we don’t have it here, so I don’t know), then I would recommend you take it your senior year.</p>

<p>All in all, you seem like a great candidate, and I wish you the best of luck in the Programme.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for giving me your input! I really appreciate it. </p>

<p>Anyway, I think my school does IB differently than some other schools. For example, we’ll have a class called AP Biology/IB, and students in IB will be allowed to take both the AP and IB exams. I think this is what would be considered IB Biology SL at most places. (We also have things like APUSH/IB, AP Lit/IB, etc…) Anyway, Music Theory and Biz are both two year sequences at my school (SL junior year, HL senior). I plan on talking to my orchestra conductor about it (expectations, requirements, whatnot), and the Biz teacher. My counselor should also be able to help me out, I just haven’t talked to her about it yet. </p>

<p>Out of curiosity, what classes are you taking/have you taken if you’re a senior? And do you think one of either Biz or MT will be more beneficial/detrimental to my grade?</p>

<p>At our school, we have neither IB Biz nor IB Music Theory. I believe it depends on what suits you best. I think IB MT would be best for your grade because of your background in orchestra.</p>

<p>That’s kind of what I was thinking, especially since we’re required to participate in a performing ensemble along with MT. Thanks for the input!</p>

<p>I completed my IB Diploma last year (as a junior) and can offer some insight. I think that we were in similar programs, as my IB classes were all AP as well (IB History SL integrated APUSH, IB Math SL was primarily Calculus AB, etc.)</p>

<p>If you are a strong writer, or perhaps want to further develop your writing skills, IB would be a good choice for you. The tests and classes, fraught with IAs, Extended Essays, etc. are writing-heavy. </p>

<p>Personally, I am the type of student who can’t turn down a challenge, and so I pushed myself to take every AP test in conjunction with a full IB diploma. Unwilling to sacrafice any of my extracurriculars, I got minimal sleep over these last two years. If you are unorganized, spare yourself and stick to the AP classes. I don’t think universities distinguish between IB/AP, and thus doing both won’t offer that much of an advantage in admissions. Students willing to take on IB are naturally more intellectually driven, which accounts for at least part of the inflated acceptance rates at prestigious universities.</p>

<p>PM me if you have any other questions.</p>

I am currently in the first semester of 10th, in IGCSE.I wanted to know if IBDP would be my best choice?I also had many doubts(just as clarification) about what you had said;
So one can take all AP subjects and all five IB subjects?Also, out of curiosity, can one take all HL IB courses?And what am I expecting in HL maths?Currently I am in Additional maths; last year we had finished all about Differenctiation and Integration…

@Letsacethis this is quite an old thread… and the OP hasn’t been active since July 2014.

In my future high school, when we take the IB exam for a course, we can also take the AP exam that goes along with it