Is it a good idea to write a follow up letter?

<p>Hey guys, unfortuantely i didnt do so hot this past fall semester of my freshman yr (3.21 honors), but i want to show usc that this will not be a trend. I had reasons why my grades were low and i explicitly explained my situations on the app. But i dont feel it is enough. I want to write a follow up letter, letting the admissions counsel know that I am doing much better now, and my grades have dramatically improved. I also want to include different activites I am involved in this spring semester. </p>

<p>I dont want to wait until midyr requests come out to show them my grades have improved, because midyr requests are for people who didn't make the first cut. I want them to consider my app taking into account that my grades have improved and that i really did just have a bad semester before they cut me from the first sting admitants. Do you guys think this is a good idea? Do you think it will be effective?</p>