Is it a safety for me?

<p>I visited campus (unofficial visit, walked around, looked at different facilities, had lunch) and liked it a lot. I will be applying as early as I can as an economics major. Can I consider it a safety?</p>

<p>Top 10% of class in high school in NJ (400ish people in my class)
GPA: 3.9886 UW (4.3 for A+), 4.53 W (5.3 for A+) (pretty sure it's still considered a 4.0 and 5.0 scale, but not too sure)</p>

Superscore - 1500/2300 (700 cr/800 m/800 w)
Best sitting - 2260 (700/760/800)
PSAT: 204 (commended, notified BC and Northwestern)
ACT: 35 composite (34 writing, 36 math, 35, 35)</p>

<p>Senior year schedule:
Physics H
English 4A
AP Spanish
AP Econ
AP Environmental (hopefully AP Statistics instead)
AP Calc BC
Independent study: portfolio of newspaper stories I'm going to write</p>

- Newspaper: Feature editor (10, 11, 12), copy editor (9)
- Key club: editor (12), member (9, 10, 11)
---- 25+ volunteer hours each year from Key Club
- Spanish Honor Society: Co-president (12), member (11)
- NHS member (11, 12)
- Spring track (10, 11, 12)
- Winter track (11, 12)
- Jobs:
- Gym supervising (10, 11)
- Umpiring softball (9, 10, 11)
(each about 7 hours a week during their seasons)
- Tutoring math (started this year, hopefully continuing and more consistent next year)
- Will have jobs this year - if I get the library job, then it's 11 hours per week. If not, same seasonal jobs as before</p>

<p>UW only considers unweighted grades/gpa. They do not superscore. You have good credentials. Show you want to attend UW and you are likely to be admitted. Do remember there are never guarantees. Get your application in early and you will likely find out sooner.</p>

<p>Students- please be brief in your chances requests. Avoid unwanted details. Do not list your classes and their grades. Only an unwieghted gpa, by year if there is a great change- improving grades can wipe out a poor start to HS. Only list the number of AP courses, we don’t need the names. Ec’s become boring, especially with years listed. None of us are interested in your life story. In general you already know if you are a strong or weak candidate- you should have already done your homework and compared yourself to the info on the UW website. Do not look to us- our opinions don’t count.</p>

<p>You look like a promising candidate. However, there were several strong candidates did not get in this year. It would be dangerous to consider UW being a safety. You may be in for a surprise. I have seen people got rejected by state flagship schools and admitted by Harvard. Go figure!</p>

<p>Show genuine interest and you’re in.</p>

<p>The above correct comments not withstanding–pretty much should be in. But only a handful of schools are better in econ right now so the term safety is somewhat loaded and not so well liked.</p>

<p>Another question - I visited the campus and walked around town, but I’m not sure if I ever put my name down anywhere. I really don’t think I did, for some reason. Any way I can let them know I did visit? I just didn’t take a tour or info session.</p>

<p>UW-Madison is a safety for you. Go on their admissions site, find the admissions counselor for your area and email them letting them know that you enjoyed your visit and ask any questions if you have them.</p>

<p>No need to try to let them know you visited- it won’t make any difference.</p>