<p>have my teacher recs/transcript be sent in at a later date than Dec. 1? The point behind this is that I want to submit my Common App early so that I can get a sooner interview. And also so that my teachers still have some time to work on my recs before the Jan. 1 deadline.</p>
<p>Yes, I’m certain that is fine</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure that only the student portion of the common app is expected by Dec. 1st. My teacher/counselor recs and secondary school report won’t even be sent out until Dec. 16.</p>
<p>yeah I was wondering the same thing…I’m going to submit this weekend, but I might want to send in a research paper this week (after Dec 1)…is that okay?</p>
<p>[Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/applying/requirements/index.html]Harvard”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/applying/requirements/index.html)</p>
Please Send:</p>
<p>The Common Application or Universal Application
$65.00 application fee or a fee waiver request.
Without your Common Application/Universal Application, we cannot open your admission file, track supporting documents for your application, or send your name to our alumni/ae for a possible interview in your area.</p>
<p>The Short Answer about one of your activities, the Personal Essay and the Harvard Supplement may be sent at a later date. NOTE: After you have submitted an application through either the Common Application or Universal Application website, you are no longer able to edit your on-line application. Therefore you must mail your Short Answer, Personal Essay and Harvard Supplement if you choose to submit them separately.</p>
<p>December 1
We will begin our careful evaluation process on this date, reading applications in the order in which they are completed.</p>
<p>Our alumni/ae interviewers will appreciate your sending at least the Common Application/Universal Application by this date to allow them to begin the interviewing process in areas where this is possible.</p>
<p>We recognize that you and your secondary school teachers and counselors may have many commitments that may preclude December 1 submission of your admission materials. If so, please be assured that you will not be penalized in any way.</p>
<p>Hey! One minute!
I have submitted the common application, but not the harvard supplement! Does that mean that I have to mail it now? That is strange… these 2 parts are totally different!</p>
<p>You can submit the supplement application on line or mail it to Harvard.</p>
<p>Does the common app website even allow the common app to be submitted incomplete? (by incompleted, I mean without the personal essay)</p>
<p>Yes, You can submit without downloading the attachment but after that you cannot edit anymore on Common app;therefore,you have to send the rest by mailing.
However, you can still submit Supplement App. any time you want on line or mailing before Jan. 01st dead line.</p>
<p>Ankorwatt, have you done this before? Because when I go to print preview my application, the top of the page says, “In order to submit the Common Application, you must answer all required questions.”</p>
<p>^ you could always just type “I will mail the essay separate from the Common Application.” in the box so that that field will be ‘completed’ so that you can submit it</p>
Please,also check Application Timeline to confirm @</p>
<p>[Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/applying/regular_action/checklist/index.html#december]Harvard”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/applying/regular_action/checklist/index.html#december)</p>